*sigh* As many of you know, Cliff and I are trying to get a house. Cool! The suckage of the matter, though is we aren't quite ready yet and interest rates are going back up. Supposedly, the interest rates were lowered to boost the economy, and now the economy is "doing better" so they're hiking rates back up.
Is it me, or do the powers that be have no concept of Average Joe's economic situation? When I was working at Digital Bridge I had had two paychecks bounce and had been without pay for six weeks and worried every day for 4 months that I'd come to work and the damned door would have locks on it. Meanwhile, the newscasters are glibly reporting that we're in a "minor recession". This was pre-9/11, at the time of the dot-com fallout. And then 9/11 happened. More financial joy.
Fast forward to today - yes, the economy is improving, and I realize we aren't in a depression the likes of which our ancestors saw in the '30's. However, the economy is still trying to recover - it ain't over yet. Hell, the city I live in is two steps away from going belly up.
So tell me again why they're raising interest rates? Oh, that's right, according to Washington the economy is just ducky...:roll:
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