Microsoft has the superior network for reliability and security and people will pay for that. Apple uses a very similar model for their products. You buy that phone and you pay a premium but you know your friends are on it so there is an ecosystem win there even though Android has the same damn functionality and more! People buy an ecosystem where they feel their friends are. And that is what matters. If you like Sony and what they call an experience...great! I have it and it feels clunky. XBox I spend more time on because that is where my kids and their friends play on and I know I wont be sitting there alone playing with random people.
Rapists commonly blame the way women are dressed on TV for their sexual aggressive maybe we should have slutty dressed women turned in for money so we can stop rape? Then again women would not celebrate Halloween then. ;)
News must be slow...I have seen articles coming out predicting doom and gloom and complaining since the new year. Wow 2013 continues to prove why the internet sucks in so many ways.
Do we forget how well the Sony network protected our personal data with their "free" network? I have both XBox, PS3, and Wii...and I am still paying the price for the loss of my personal data to thieves as I have faced numerous attempts to attack my identity thanks to them. My PS3 now is nothing more than a BluRay player because I simply can trust them. You get what you pay for...this is why Apple has been successful as has Microsoft with XBox.
Ever walk by an alley in a city and say...that looks sketchy? Walking into this article and saying anything either way is going to pour gasoline on a fire. Fanboy or not...the world decides success or failure. I for one...oh I almost walked down the alley....
Typical for this hipster. Casual gaming is just that. Stuck on a long car ride and want to blow off some casual game. Want to escape into a much longer game with alot more staying power...a console or PC. Very different gaming. I wish people would stop trying to bundle everything. Its like comparing McDonalds to Olive Garden. They both serve food but very different experiences and audience. Plus one is guaranteed to give you the runs. :)
Armysniper89's comments