...but it did. Tonight, my Xbox 360 gave me the "3 red lights." What a bummer. Guess I'll be calling Microsoft to send it in on Monday. Even though I haven't turned it on in over 4 months, I'm glad to have a Wii to help get me through the next 4-6 weeks. With New Super Mario Bros. Wii releasing today, I suppose my 360 couldn't have picked a better time to go. But...man...no Fallout 3 for over a month. This is gonna be a challenge.
Art_Of_Dying's forum posts
Okami is pretty good...and it's a long adventure. I rented the game for a week and barely scratched the surface.
I've also heard good things about Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy. I've never played it, though. You can find it used for $4 at EB Games or Gamestop. Might be worth it to check it out.
Well, some of you may have read my previous topic complaining about the 360's lack of Wi-Fi capabilities out-of-the-box and my belief that you get more for your money with the PS3. I also had a little blurb about Ninja Gaiden 2 in there.
Well, I'm sure most of you now know that NG2 has been confirmed to be a 360 exclusive, published by Microsoft. Well, regardless of everything I said in that previous topic, I'm now jumping in. NG2 exclusive is a huge deal for me. Ninja Gaiden was one of my favorite games of the previous generation (along with RE4), and this is the announcement I was waiting for before making the leap. Congrats, MS...you got one of the great exclusives and with it a new customer.
Now, if I can ask you all for a favor:
I've heard a lot about 360's breaking and having to be sent in to MS to be fixed or replaced. I've also read about 360's having new 65nm chips and extra heatsinks being put in to help with this issue. The question I have is this: should I wait a bit before making my purchase, or do the systems on shelves now have the new components installed? If not, how long do you think I should wait? I heard the new Halo consoles are a safe bet, but I'm not interested in paying $50 for a system that only has cosmetic enhancements. I'm also not interested in the Elite package now that the Premium has the HDMI port. Thanks in advance.
Your paying $60 bucks a POP for games and your worried about a one time investment of an extra $100??? Do you own a wireles router? Did you have to buy a wireless card for your PC? Do you pay a monthly fee for DSL?
The thing is, I don't feel I should have to buy the adapter seperately. Even Nintendo (who, I'm sure most here can agree, isn't the strongest company when it comes to an on-line service) released their system with Wi-Fi capabilities. Why would MS (who, IMO, offers the best on-line service) not do the same? I can understand not doing having it at the system's launch (kind of) in 2005, but it should the norm now. This is especially true for the Elite, which just launched 5 months ago.
Wait, so you have the Xbox 1 wireless adaptor? Because if you do, that works with the 360.limpbizkit818
I don't have the official Xbox wireless adapter. I had the Linksys adapter. It still needs to be somewhat wired up, though. Ethernet cable from the Xbox to the adapter. I'm not really interested in using that again, though. I'd prefer no wires at all.
You shouldn't game with a wireless connection, it's not reliable... Instead of spending $100 on a wireless adaptor, spend 10-15 to buy a really long ethernet cable from a hardware store. gp19
I did wireless gaming with my original Xbox for years, and I connect wirelessly with the Nintendo Wii and DS. I have had no issues with any of those systems, so I wouldn't expect to have problems with the 360.
For those saying to forget about the HD-DVD add-on, I'm still looking at $449 for what I need. For $50 more, I can get a PS3 that includes a Blu-ray player. Honestly, I don't want a PS3 at this time, but you really get more for your money...IMO.
I nearly bought myself a 360 today. I was at Best Buy, had the system in my arms, had the games picked out.
Then the sales associate asks, "Do you need an ethernet cable?"
I say, "No. I have a wireless connection."
He says, "Then you need the wireless adapter. It's $100."
Needless to say, I was shocked. I always figured that if the PS3, Wii, PSP, and the DS were all Wi-Fi compatible the 360 would be as well. After all, Microsoft is the one pushing the online service more than other companies.
I then did the math:
Xbox 360 = $349
Wireless adapter = $100
HD DVD player = $200
Total = $649
PS3 comes with all this and a bigger hard-drive for $500. At least Microsoft does package component cables (and HDMI with Elite) with the system. IMO, that's a big deal, so big props for that.
Long story short, I left without the 360. I don't really like that Microsoft is nickel and diming consumers like that. I'm not sold on the PS3, either.
Then I log on here to discover Ninja Gaiden 2 may very well be a 360 reality. I suppose, eventually, I'll have no choice...
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