And btw, God of War III is still in your upcoming titles?? Wow
Artof_War's forum posts
If you want to continue to close topics that ask for game recommendations, why not actually keep the game recommendation thread updated?
Every EA Sports game you have is 2010 -- Tiger Woods 11 has been out since June and recently NCAA 11 and Madden 11.
All I'm saying is members like responding to game suggestion threads, and if you close them, then a poor soul is forced to look at dated "sticky" information.
I love the tactical maps, planning and then actually being the soldiers. Fantastic. Please tell me something else exists...
My wife already loves video games. :) I think a good way to approach getting your wife to like video games is not to begin on the assumption that women are some sort of different species of creature than men are. Asking, "Can you train your wife to like video games" is much like asking "Can you train your wife to like movies?" The answer is, of course you can. But you need to put in the time and effort involved in understanding your wife's tastes just like you do when figuring out what movie to take your wife to. If you know, for instance, that your wife can't stand Horror movies, then don't take her to one if you want to get her to like going to the movies. Similarly, if you know that your wife hates sports, then the latest Madden game probably isn't the best choice of game to try out on her.nocoolnamejimGood advice.
And maybe even PixelJunk Shooter. That's simple enough. ModNation Racers might be decent, but I haven't bought it. She LOVES Mario Kart.Just get her into some easier games, like arcade titles and such. SMG and NSMB on the wii are great starter titles. You could also get her into downloadable games like Braid and World of Goo.
She loves regular and Super Nintendo, in large part totheir simplicity and she played them as a kid.
But I would LOVE to get her hooked on my PS3, games like Valkyria Chronicles etc.
Is this even possible? I can hear it now... "too many buttons," "why doesn't it scroll to the side?"
Share your wisdom.
You'd kinda need to like Nintendo 1st party games for it to be worth it.locopathoSO it's basically Mario or bust?
So I've always had a Playstation 1, 2, 3, etc. I also had the old school Regular Nintendo and Super Ninentdo. Do I have any incentive to buy a Wii or should I just save my money for more PS3 games?
Off topic posting.
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