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ArturoMena4 Blog

This is Sony's end.

Yeah, as you hear it, this generation will be Sony's end. An expensive ,useless HiDef console, with nothing to it, great for graphics hores, or a cheaper but uglier console, with no HD, or wireless, nothing!!!. How can they claim their console to be HD operational, if their mainstream version cant even support it!!!. Sony is loosing all of their exclusives. Few generations ago, Resident Evil and Final Fantasy meant PlayStation, now you can find them in every console. They have lost Metal Gear, wich can be found on both GC and Xbox. The purple Spyro, Tombraider!, Grand Turismo!,Crash Bandicoot,Even GTA!!! so what are Sony's first party titles?? They are based of 3d party developers!. This are all signs of the inevitable...
PSP hasnt seen a significant growth in sales, wich is not the case of Ds, wich are selling like hotcakes.
Most people use PSPs as a MediaPlayer , not like a Portable Console. UMD movies? Gone...
Sony is constantly telling their contributions to the current  Video Game world... what contributions? Nintendo made Video Games!!!!!.
The fact is inovation perdures(And sells) , simply upgrade doesn't!. Nintendo grew as an enterteinment company, Sony apeared simply to make money!, they dont care about game, they care about $Greens$.

Second Chapter Coming Next

Theres nothing more to say...

There aint nothing left to say, Sony are copycats. They introduced Motion-Sensing to the revamped PS3 Contoller, and they are such a bunch of losers, that they couldnt even implement Rumble because it interfered with Motion Sensing, as Nintendo does...

Now you are playing with power!!!

I do like 360, but love Wii, The only company I dislike is Sony. They really suck!

Sony "Cheap" Package"

Price: $500
Controllers: Wired
Internal Memory: 20GB HD (Not Expandable, No Memory Cards)
USB Ports
Wi-Fi: NO
Hi-Def: NO
Ethernet: YES

Price: 400
Controllers: Wireless
Internal Memory: Changeable HD
USB Ports
Wi-Fi: Yes
Ethernet: Yes
Hi-Def: YES
Head Set

Price: - $300
Controllers: Wireless (With Nunchuck)
Internal Memory: 512 MB USB Expandable, SD Card Expandable
USB Ports
Wi-Fi: YES
USB Internet
Web Browser
Hi-Def: NO

Can I actually marry Nintendo?!?!?!

Im not criying right now, just because Im almost stoned. Nintendo really brought it up, althought they didnt revealed everything. Its games, its graphics, everything is just.... Fantastic. Super Mario Galaxy, looks beatiful, Red Steel, Sonic, everything!!!! Gosh"!!!!, I really said "Wow".
We have internet!!! Yes, and its 24/7, and also you can connect trought USB 2.0, that means those who dont have Wi-Fi routers can still connect, and at a speed of Megs per second!!! Huge Stuff!!!, we can receive upgrades, download, news everything, even at bed time. Other huge stuff, Opera browser on Wii too!!!! Yeahhh, (Begins to cry),  browsing those faqs wile you play(Hehe) Also there must be something between Ds and Wii. The Final console looks beatyful. Dont know wy the Controller Speaker, but that a PLUS. CAnt Wait!!:
I have seen the gun attachment, gorgeus.
The only thing that didt surprised me was the Shell, its simple, just like a modified GC controller, but it does its part.
I have my hopes up, to further see the Virtual COnsole, everything else!!!(Faints and then wakes up)
Nintendo came up with a BIG list of lauch titles, 27 I thinks, and I heard 100 new games coming to DS, thats a lot!!!.
Nintendo came up with everygame they needed to show the full potential of the console, and there are some reeeally stuning games for those "hard core". And there you go "Nintendo is kiddy" folks, they kicked your asses!!!!

No more wait....... THe REVOLUTION is Here....

Its really coming...

Well, less than 5 days to go. Nintendo surprisingly revealed the final name before the E3 presentation, they say its to get used to it, a to focus on introducing the games, many consiracy theories have been floating around, but now I dont care, every time I hear or talk about Wii, I get more used to it. At the End, the Revoltion is inevitable. Wii looks great at least as a logo, but it doest sound so good, I probably stick with Rev. There have been some game revealing and confirmation, these last weeks. We got an insight of the new Wi-Fi ready Madden "Wii?". Rayman, Dragon Ball, Monkey Ball and alot More, every one enhancing the WiiMote.
Im really looking up to hear more about CrossBeam games, they look really promising.
Anyway, dont let a name dissapoint us, lets keep up the faith!

Well, thats is for now...

Iwata's speech is out. They didnt reveal anything great, but anyway they gave us some good faqs. We will be able to download like a THOUSAND games from the SEGA console and an unknownw number for the TurboGraphx. I never played any of this consoles, but , that doesnt mean I wont be triying out those games.
Before the conference, IGN had an Interview with one of Nintendo's representatives, in one of the questions he aswered that the Virtual Console will be a chance for introducing new games, not only old ones. This means that we probably will se Virtual Console exclusive games, or simply dowloading demoes of new games, just like in the DS. Iwata didn't specificly droped the bomb at GDC 2006, but quite sure he will not at E3, but drop a Megaton!!!
Keep up the faith...

Sony really is very degradadating.

Yes, they have delayed, but, until when?
Whel November, the same date that the Revolution will be on the market (What a coincidence), and not only that, they have also stated the same thing, "before thanksgiving".
They are planning another WW release, too. Because of the popularity of the FREE NintendoWifiConnection, that recently reached the millionth unique user in less than four months. Sony is planing to follow the same strategy, releasing a basic, free connection.
Another thing is that mandattory HardDribe, they are limitating the user, making him buy a HD if they want to play his games. For me, this absolutly sucks.
Any way, PlayStationNetworkPlataform, doesn't sound as good, promising and juicy as NintendoWifiConnection.

I implore to every Nintendo fan to keep up their faith in the company.They wont, and will never dissapoint us. And at the end of the REVOlution, Nintendo will be remain victorious.

GDC is coming UP!

Less than two weeks to go. The are many rumors in the zone, about Iwata revealing, serious information(althought, not everything ofcourse).

I hope its not lame info, because it would disapoint everybody, but in another hand, if they reveal ,nice hints, it will calm down our speculation, and anciety.

Getting back to the Nintendorevolutionforums

Darwin's developer friend, is developing a Revolution title named Guts n Glory, this game was a GameCube title,  but then got cancelled.

Some months before the post of this message.I was looking trought the masterlist on nintendo's homepage when I came trought the GameCube sections and Adults Only, and only one title named GUTS N GLORY!, and I think it said cancelled.

After I read the post, I came to the webpage again, and I wasnt able to find it again.

Nintendo might be saving this suppoused amazing, revolutionary game for the right time.

Also he talks about some games that are said to be on development.


While I was waiting for E3(so frustating) I heard about D.I.C.E, that was about 3 months before...and that also Reggie was holding a keynote, there. I got so excited, but then when I checke out the info, Reggie only talked about the DS!!!, and not so great DS news. Nintendo keeps retaining information. I hope this is only to reveal it all, at E3!