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Midnight Brown - Too Hot cover

After listening to this weeks hotspot, the remix of Too Hot at the intro inspired me to do my own version of the song. So I grabbed my guitar and listened to the song in itunes. Took only a couple of minutes for me to figure out the main riff. So I turned on my camera and this is the result.

I get off time a couple of times, but no biggy, and for some reason the video flashes to something else for a second. That was just some local band I had recorded. The heads on my camera need cleaning, and it must have just screwed up for a second when I was recording over it.



Here is a video of me playing against Slunks in Pro-face off on Through the Fire and the Flames (expert). Oddly enough, I somehow won. Oh yeah, the audio cuts out for a second at the end... I dunno why, and don't care enough to re-render the video. Oh, and sorry for the short parts where I sung the lyrics to the song... It's embarassingly horrible, but thats what the internet is for.

Also, the performance on Slunks side isn't exact to how he actually played. That would be lag. GH3's online isn't perfect, but it more-or-less gets the job done.


Also, here is a video of my current best run on My Name is Jonas.


Guitar Hero 3 Beat (As of around noon yesterday)

I got the game at midnight launch, so me and a friend co-op'd through the co-op career on expert. After playing a lot of songs on pro-face off, we started to tackle the single player career. Pretty much just trading off after each song.

Then it came to lou. It took us probably over an hour of trying to beat him, but I eventually did it. It made me happy... but then it made me sad, because I realized that I had just beat a game I spent $60 on in a matter of hours.

Oh yeah, speaking of $60. I ended up getting the controller bundle, anyway. Gamestop kinda screwed up and the dude handed me the bundle'd version. Kind of dishonest of me not to say anything about me not actually buying that version of the game, but oh well. They should have looked at my receipt.

Edit: Also, best band name in the history of forever.

Days of Ruin

Some of you probably know that I'm a big fan of the Advance Wars games. While I'm certainly not very "hardcore" about playing the games, I have definitely enjoyed them thoroughly. One of the big sticking points with the games, at least for me, was the multiplayer. Unfortunately, nobody I knew owned the game, and because of that, none of my friends ever wanted to play hot-swap with it, based primarily on unfamiliarity with the game. So I've never really gotten my share of MP fun with the games.

But now Advance Wars: Days of Ruin is on it's way to us, a game that will finally use the well-needed, and well-deserved Nintendo WFC.

There is a drawback to all of this, though. The game this time around is much more grittier, and dark. This is more-than-apparent from the heavy guitar tracks during the trailer for the game. Also, it takes place in a completely new world, with entirely new characters.

I'm not sure how I stand about all of this. On one hand, all the dialog in the games was rather cheesy, and all the CO's were extremely stereotypical in one way or another (Jake, for example). But it was entertaining, and accompanied with the art $tyle it made sense. The characters were unique, an it certainly added a definitive flavor to the game.

Now, on the other hand, all 3 Advance Wars games are more-or-less the same, game play wise. It's pretty much the same units, being controlled by pretty much the same CO's throughout all three games. Yes, there are new units and CO's in between games, but even that can't save the games from feeling like re-hashes. So maybe scrapping everything the previous games had started wasn't a bad idea. But I can't help but feel that with the, "Post-apocalyptic, ultra-grunge" direction they went with this new game was necessarily the right decision. Theres quite a few games that have done this and have failed on an epic scale (Prince of Persia Warrior Within to name one).

Either way, I'm glad to finally see something on this game. I've been craving a new Advance Wars for a while, and even though I'm still on the fence about the new path they've chosen to take the franchise, this game will most definitely find itself into my collection for the WiFi play, alone.

Other than my slowly growing excitement for this new Advance Wars game, I've been playing a lot of TF2, as you can easily tell from my xfire profile thingy. That game is just a blast to play. I finished off ep 1 and 2 two days ago, both of which were very fun, indeed. I can't help but feel Ep2 left something to be desired, though. It ends very abruptly. Oh yeah, I played through portal again. It is quite a fun game.

Thats about it, later.

Orange boxing

So I picked up the orange box today. I wasn't really planning on getting it for a while. It was one of those things I would be fine waiting on buying...

But after hearing several podcasts pretty much do nothing but say how great TF2 is, even for people who had never played TFC, and more or less everyone I know buying it, I threw the, "5 games for $50!" on my dad, and for a few chores I was awarded with the money to buy it :P

I haven't touched Episode 2, yet. Mainly because I have yet to finish ep 1 (I bought it a while back, but never finished it). But I played an hour or so of TF2, and just finished portal in one sitting.

Impressions for TF2 so far are that it's great. I'm really liking it. It's got a great amount of depth to it, but is easily accessible and fun. I'll keep it at that because I'm sure everyone has heard pretty much everything there is to hear about the game. It's good. Play it. :P

Portal was really good too. Short but sweet, as they say. The humor in it is great, and while the puzzles aren't the hardest to solve, they're still really fun and innovative. I have yet to try any of the bonus maps, but I hope they're a lot harder than anything that was in the regular game.

So yeah... thats about it, gonna go play more TF2.

Learning Piano

Many of you probably know that I play guitar. I've played guitar for 4-5 years, and I enjoy doing so very much. But one thing I've never really attempted to try is to actually learn a song on piano.

Any time I've "played" a piano or keyboard I would just screw around and play little easy songs I had come to learn (Themes and stuff, nothing complicated). But today, I broke out the ol' casio keyboard (Seriously, the thing is ancient, a good 12-15 years old) and looked up the music for, Hey Jude by The Beatles, and began a musical quest.

So, that's all I've been doing this night. I've been slowly learning the chords to the song, and am honestly pleasantly surprised. One of the reasons I have never tried to learn any real song on piano is because I was always discouraged about having to play bass with my left hand and lead with my right. I simply didn't think I had the dexterity to do something like that. But it turns out that it's surprisingly easy (On this song, anyways). The hardest part of learning the song, for me, is just getting the chord switches down. All the rhythms are easy, and the chords them self aren't anything crazy. It's just switching from one to the other that has me practicing a 30 second section for 2 hours straight.

The only real drawback to all this is that playing for 4 hours has made my wrists hurt pretty bad :(

This just in:

Super Zombies is super fun.

Me and jimbo are the dynamic duo!

Dynamic Duo!

That is, until he died, and I was left all alone. Someone needed to help meh.

Help meh

Seriously though, the game type is super fun. All the zombies are really light and crazy fast, just a little slower than a warthog at full speed. And it's all just insanely fun. It pretty much becomes a "convoy" of vehicles going around the map, while zombies are flying at you from all directions.

Questions about Worms Open Warfare 2 single-cart local MP

So as you may have noticed, I have Worms Open Warfare 2 for the DS on my now-playing list. I picked this up back on Wednesday simply because I had the money, and it had been on my gamefly queue for like, 3 weeks and would never ship.

Anyway! I was at my cousins today and we tried some of the single-cart multiplayer. There are some many weird problems with it, so many that I'll just make a list:

1. There is delay between DS's. A good, long delay, as in 2-3 seconds long. The very odd thing is, the DS without the cart is ahead of the hosting DS, with the cart.

2. I don't know if this is related to the first problem, but more than once the game did something very very strange, it wouldn't sync up what actually happened to both DS's. Two or three times a worm died on one DS, but was fine on the other. I also had the game completely freeze on me after a cluster grenade.

Two very odd things to be happening to us, considering we were sitting a mere 4 feet away from eachother.

I was just wondering if anyone else has had this problem, or a similar, with this game, or with any other DS games?