Aspyred's forum posts
As for the sound, besides the ambience and explosions, it wasn't overly impressive.
Though people credit the MP for bringing some lighthearted fun into the mix, it's just pure chaos and mayhem in my experience. Nothing seems to feel consistent, and rarely do I feel I get better at the game but just 'luckier'.
I don't think I could stand getting less, even in a slow-paced game such as Oblivion.
While this kind of thinking can you by high school (and don't attempt to BS me with AP or IB), it stops there, give or take.
Make the world intresting... I felt that one i had visited a cave or gone to those ruins, that i had seent them all. They were all identical! I jus felt like Oblivion was a borring world to explore, there was never that thrill at finding some realy cool environments! Oh and leveled enemies was just stupid!ryan_frenchie
Absolutely. Diversifying the forts should definitely be on the list. Though I love the vast, dare I say, inexhaustible amount of ruins you could always dungeon-crawl through between your quests, please make them different from one another. No one is saying they *have* to be some dingy dungeon or cave. Maybe, they're some lost city underneath with actual vegetation...or something.
I definately think there should be a lot more NPCs on the screen at one time. I think if you are in a city there should be hundreds of people milling about, not five or six. Also there needs to be 10x more voice actors. Maybe this way I won't be bored with the game after 25 hours.txbitt
Yeah, I definitely agree with that. The Arena was kind of pitiful with all of 12 people inside. I don't care if they are 2D carveouts, I want to see some more intensity than what was shown. And as with the point made with more voice actors (of which I wholeheatedly agree), more MUSIC. I wanna hear crazy, bombastic Jeremy Soules music comin' outta the yingyang (I don't know what I just said).
And of course, people like to feel a sense of achievement. One only needs to take a gander at Xbox Live Achievement Points to know that much. No scaling please.
That said, Oblivion is an incredible game in and of itself, and I eagerly await Shivering Isles and the next game in the series.
[QUOTE="Aspyred"][QUOTE="MogwaiROS"]Eh, the score given is one thing. To deliver it so flatly as in his video review, and to stain the game with his wretched writing abilities is quite another. Easily the crudest, most rushed and forced piece of writing I've seen all year.
I'm not able to comment on the game, as I haven't played it. But- I will say that just from reading this filth, he was reaching and fumbling over his lies and ulterior motives (whatever they may be). I won't be going so far as to stretch out and slander the guy, but something feels awry.
I've never put much stock in GameSpot's reviewing to be honest, I rarely even read them. Now that I've taken the time to give "Jeff" a fair look-see, it was a colossal waste of time and my brain feels as if it's leaking out of my ears. Rather than blame him for his poor review, I would blame his parent's for not paying his college tuition. Haha.
Cheers, this backlash must be precisely what GameSpot wanted. :oops:
Why is this "us versus them" sentiment so prevalent in this thread? My overall impression is that many of you think there's some hidden agenda/conspiracy or that the reviewer had some other ulterior motives set aside. I'm sorry, but that's just a petty assertion to make, and not saying a lot about your guys' respect toward GameSpot and its editors.
So let me get this straight: Some of you actually think that these editors are actually really petty people, to the point where they want to use their professional access and priviledge to desseminate their own bias and agenda into a mass community, so they can contribute to the System Wars? You honestly really believe these people haven't the slightest inkling of integrity?
Your lips are smacking of "Communist Sentiment". Allow my apprehension to this characteristically arrogant review. Thanks.
I believe that these humans are humans, and are not free of bias. A review is nothing more than the reviewer's extension of their own bias and agenda (read: Opinion?). His review is reeking of it, and that is plain as day. I've never read such duplicitous trash in my life.
Of course, it is just a video-game review, and should be observed as such. I am simply aggravated for having my time wasted, the review simply didn't appear justified in its convictions.
Firstly why are my lips "smacking of 'Communist Sentiment'"? Are you just looking to baselessly throw my comment back at me? Secondly, no one is arguing that professionals in a given field are free of bias (here's one for you, read: Strawman Fallacy). It should be taken as granted. Entertaining your words, of course reviews are extensions of "bias and agenda" (in a sense). To give an opinion of something, is to draw from your own life experiences, bias, agenda and all. It's what makes one opinion different from the other. This is not new.
What is at stake however, is the idea of the professional, and his responsibility to report honestly, minimalizing your duplicity. I like to believe in humanity, and find it hard to believe a reviewer would give up journalistic integrity, at the possible expense of respect from co-workers (I say co-workers specifically, because of all people close to the reviewer, they would be the ones to know) to insidiously forfeit a game its due.
I don't see how his review is reeking of bias and agenda (especially the agenda bit), nor do I quite so much see the duplicity. Saying it's "plain as day" suggests it's obvious. It's not so obvious to me, so help me out. Help me understand where you're coming from.
[QUOTE="Aspyred"] You have what, exactly? Though I'm not denying you your right to send a reply, help me to understand your reasoning. You're demanding an explanation from someone's opinion of a game, on the basis of what exactly? On that it differs from many other review sites? Essentially, you're implying that it would be beneficial somehow, if all reviews were homogenous and consolidated on a single, or close to it, score. That defeats the entire point of reviews from different perspectives and dare I say, slightly smacks of Communist sentiment. You know, unless you're into that.
And if you're going to argue the point that Twilight Princess shouldn't be treated negatively because not changing its formula isn't a bad thing, it's important to keep in mind that you have not played the game. You don't know exactly how much is different, or the same, minus speculation from other material you've read. Yours is an uphill argument that's pretty tough to make.
In fact, it's not at all specious to suggest that a review that differs from the majority opinion shouldn't be given as much consideration in, say, purchasing a game. It's perfectly sound reasoning. Unless, of course, one has particular reasons for investing that review with more authority. Many people on this board wouldn't and, in fact, would do the opposite: Jeff is anti-Wii, biased etc. So let's not wrap our posts in faux-intellectual babble about rationality- it's misplaced.
Reading that again, you're right. If something significantly differs from a majority, it shouldn't be odd to raise some suspicion. But people here are suggesting because of GameRankings, the review given on GS is just simply wrong or fundamentally flawed in some way and that doesn't sit right with me. Nor should it anyone else.
Eh, the score given is one thing. To deliver it so flatly as in his video review, and to stain the game with his wretched writing abilities is quite another. Easily the crudest, most rushed and forced piece of writing I've seen all year.
I'm not able to comment on the game, as I haven't played it. But- I will say that just from reading this filth, he was reaching and fumbling over his lies and ulterior motives (whatever they may be). I won't be going so far as to stretch out and slander the guy, but something feels awry.
I've never put much stock in GameSpot's reviewing to be honest, I rarely even read them. Now that I've taken the time to give "Jeff" a fair look-see, it was a colossal waste of time and my brain feels as if it's leaking out of my ears. Rather than blame him for his poor review, I would blame his parent's for not paying his college tuition. Haha.
Cheers, this backlash must be precisely what GameSpot wanted. :oops:
Why is this "us versus them" sentiment so prevalent in this thread? My overall impression is that many of you think there's some hidden agenda/conspiracy or that the reviewer had some other ulterior motives set aside. I'm sorry, but that's just a petty assertion to make, and not saying a lot about your guys' respect toward GameSpot and its editors.
So let me get this straight: Some of you actually think that these editors are actually really petty people, to the point where they want to use their professional access and priviledge to desseminate their own bias and agenda into a mass community, so they can contribute to the System Wars? You honestly really believe these people haven't the slightest inkling of integrity?
[QUOTE="Jarua"][QUOTE="saanzaman"]My god... I heard alot about this guy with his messed up reviews on other forums... I only really head to gamespot for news and alternate views.... Just as a note before GS's score TP was the #1 game ever in terms of ratings... check game rankings and take away the score and then do the mathghrisOn TP scores 97% average, not including Jeff's biased review. I suggest we all email demanding an explanation. IGN said it best: The complaint could be made that Twilight Princess is too similar to Ocarina of Time because the basic play style is familiar and because some faces and places return. However, we think such criticisms are unfounded because they seem to suggest that Zelda's masterful control mechanics should be changed simply for the sake of being different. I have :-)
You have what, exactly? Though I'm not denying you your right to send a reply, help me to understand your reasoning. You're demanding an explanation from someone's opinion of a game, on the basis of what exactly? On that it differs from many other review sites? Essentially, you're implying that it would be beneficial somehow, if all reviews were homogenous and consolidated on a single, or close to it, score. That defeats the entire point of reviews from different perspectives and dare I say, slightly smacks of Communist sentiment. You know, unless you're into that.
And if you're going to argue the point that Twilight Princess shouldn't be treated negatively because not changing its formula isn't a bad thing, it's important to keep in mind that you have not played the game. You don't know exactly how much is different, or the same, minus speculation from other material you've read. Yours is an uphill argument that's pretty tough to make.
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