@ZEeduardo94 @littlebigmimi @Assemblent But man, with that argument, only italians would enjoy AC2 and Brotherhood, middle easterns AC1, turkish AC:Revelations. The settting had everything to do with the AC series, specially how it was hinted in the Glyph Puzzles in AC2 and Brotherhood (I miss them so much...) as the beginning of the biggest conspiracies and backstage power struggles of the world, plus, it has barely been used in the video game world.
@bledsoe45sbc Making this IV is such a huge mistake and a huge let down mixed with a turn off to AC, one of my favorite series... It's like they want to forget III. So stupid.
@Hey_Jay @Assemblent This was being made before AC3? That even makes less sense and even makes things more strange and stupid... And it has all the dots connected that was based on naysayers: Naval Battles (the only thing that they said they enjoyed in the game), a new character which I bet that it will be a joyful, drunk playboy with a loud mouth, it's released as a sequel and not an "expansion" like brotherhood and Revelations where in order to build up to ACIII, seems to have action all over and all the time, more gameplay driven and not storywise (so that the naysayers don't complain that the game is boring or slow paced).
AC3 had almost all, a new meaningful lead character, the best story, awesome characters, a setting almost unexplored in the video game world and a native american, only one game (prey) that casts one. It's biggest flaw is more simple than most people imagine: No Jesper Kyd for the soundtrack.
Assassin's Creed IV clearly suggests that Ubisoft went with the flow of all the naysayers around the web (probably, most of them teenagers, with all due respect, but that only care about joyful playboys and "**** yeah" action all the time) about Assassin's Creed 3 and Connor. Never thought this day would come but this was my favorite series but this shit has become pathetic.
Assemblent's comments