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Atillite Blog

I'm Still a Little Angry About It

So I'm asumeing you all know I own Oblivion game of the year edition which includes Knights of the Nine and Shivering Isles, both very cool expansions. Anyways a while ago I went to Bethseda's website and decided I would buy all the other official expansions besides horse armor, because my guy idoesn't need a horse when his abse speed is 93, has an athletic skill of 78 and has several items that increase both. I went ahead andpaid and everything, and I prepared to have some awesome new homes to add to my "house in every city" collection.

I eagerly opened the confirmation email and saved the expansions to my hardrive than went ahead and tried to activate them. about 1/10 through the activation a message popped up and said something of the matter of critical installation error and than the whole process immediately canceled. I tied a few more times and then went back to the website to find that there is a very enigmatic warning to "64 bit Windows users and Vista users"

Anyways, not being able to find it, the warning ended in saying something like "please do not uninstall the installer." Needless to say I was a little bit ticked of at this moment and I send an email to Bethseda's support. Luckily unlike many other support teams Bethseda gave a quick and personalised response, or at least simulated personalization. Anyways it said there is a fatal error for "Windows 64 bit and Vista users," although i had already stated I had Vista. The solution of which he spoke of was to purchase the CD versions of Knights of the Nine and Shivering Isles. I had said i already had those in my version. But appaerntly they don't even mention the opportunity of a refund, which really blows. (Although i may have sounded a bit offensive towards Bethseda's support, I actually very muched liekd them in comparison to other support groupsI have contacted.

Anyways that all happened a while ago and theres the complete story at least for Scott's sake. In other enws I have been getting into TF2 quite a lot, I went back and beat Red Alert 2, and I went back and at least got the final fight in HL2 EP2. As for the Oblivion stuff, I still really want some mods so It would be great if anyone can tell me of some good mods and where to get them, I doubt any of you would know though sadly enough, please tell me.

A Fresh Idea

I was thinking in the car yesterday about a good new way to play an MMORPG. Someplayers go for the completely imagined character, being that the awesome character, great looking character, or impossibly ugly character. Some ofplayers go for thecharacter that looks like themselves. Here's a new idea, how about making a acharacter that looks like you but with all your personal abilities and the sort andthan play out the game how you choose.

Eh, its just an idea I thought of buthey, its out there for ya.

Since Everybody Except Peter Can't Find Humor

My game of the year, even though it is a toughy, would have to probably maybe possibly be something around the lines of soemthing close to and very probably the game skate. followed by The Orange Box and then by C:SotN downloadable. I'm sorry if I let people down by my picks, but please, for every one on this planet, find humor in that last blog, for all the people who are starving and homeless, plaese do it for the WORLD.

Aan phee Hoorizun ( Now Upgraded With Intense Additions!)

From today my booty is: some clothes, a cool fountain, a calendar, some slippers, a heated blanket, some good incense and a burner, Assassin's Creed, Mass Effect, Midieval II, a very expensive paperweight, Motor Storm, and Guitar Hero 3. Overall thats a nice haul adding it with some more spendable cash and certificates. As a plan to go out and buy I would be inclined to purchase the new Katamari game, a nice minfridge, some books, Red Alert bundle, Diablo bundle, and some PS3 games.

I think I got strep again, which makes it twice in three weeks, my throat is swollen like none other and it hurts something viscious. I have been having absolutely horid headaches and eyes that itch to some ungodly extent to couple with that and a constant feeling of fatigue.

(Addition begins here)

I decided waht Blu-Rays I wanted for the PS3 rebate: The Prestige, Full Metal Jacket, The Devil's Rejects (the only movie I knew by name in that category), The Patriot, and Hart's War (see last parenthesis.)

So today in the shopping spree I had: I went and got my throat culutre done and I do have strep, but since it has been under a month since my last infection they have to overnight the culture just to make sure; after that I went over and activated my new phone; than I went to Best Buy and got a minifridge, Diablo I, Diablo II, and the DiabloII expansion pack, and Oblvion Game of the Year Edition (which includes Knights of the Nine and Shivering Isles; than I went to another Best Buy to get Red ALert 2, the expasion pack for Red Alert 2, C&C Tiberian Sun, the expansion to C&C Tiberian Sun, and C&C Renegade (which I doubt I will ever play to be honest); and finally I went over the the bookstore and bought three more Cthulhu Mythos antholgies, Office Space, and This is Spinal Tap. Overall it wasquite a good day, and now my room cvan be ugraded to the status of apartment.

Other than that i don't have much for news. As for the tiny blogs, hopefully they are out of the way for a while.

Birthday Part Two

Today, from extended family, I recieved: a quaint little painting, a calendar, $70, a leather jacket, and the Orange Box for the PC.

Also the other day I went out and bought myself Age of Mythology and Stronghold 2 (in case you guy's missed me saying that in my last blog in the comments.)

Other than that not much has been going on, just more funky weather, had Charles and Antonio over recently and we had some fun, and also I met a cool girl who I have intentions of hooking up with. Next Tuesday will be my next blog and after that the regularity will come back and my blogs might actually be blogs insted of updates and such. Anyways have a great day


A Formal Requisition

Does anyone have any good ideas onany games para computadora por favor. I just need to make abase from where I can go off and buy some games and I'm going to turn to your help buddies.

In other news I might actually openAce Combat 6 from its celaphane prison.Pierre, bring it.

God, I Love My Family!

After enough years being around my extended family togather in a group, I have grown to appriciate the typical events connected with such gatherings. It is always fun to see a bunh of middle-aged people adn young adults half-wasted with presumptons about each other try to relate. I guess I will have to wait till Christmas for the best moments: the fights. They are just so silly.

Anyways other than that, I tried some Orange Box action and it was good, just... I really don't know. It was just totally different than what I expected and such. I liked it but I didn't at the same time. It is still a fun game though, but it just might be the whole week.

I might save my 100th blog for my Birthday, but I doubt I could hold out that long.


A Little Known Secret

I have known about this ittle buety for a while now. I am not a huge fan of flash games, but every once in a while I'll settle to play one while slacking off or surfing the web.
and the sequal

These are simple point and click games with a surprisingly in depth story. The first is a little tough, there are no clues, period; the second is really well put togather and is better in my opinion.

They are just simple point and click games that are... pretty scary to say the least. In my opinion these are the best point and click games, right up there with crimson room and green room (there might have also been a blue room...).