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Watching good olde Sci-Fi

Today on the channel dedicated to Science-Fiction, I was lucky enough to be able to view a, wait tis may be an oxymoron, good movie! Dagon, Peter may be familiar with this, but I was not, is quite an interesting movie, I may be wanting to read the short story, based off of a Spainish village with some creepy people and such. This blog wouldn't exist if I couldn't tie it into video games so heres the twist.

The design of the village and everything is eeriely similar to the village in Resident Evil 4. The symbol of their religion in the movie is very closely similar to the symbol of the religion in the movie. The voices of the villagers are similar. Their movements are similar. I could name off a huge number of similarities but I just don't have the patience for that.

Relooking at this blog, I can notice how this can also link with Bethseda's love affair with Lovecraft, The word Dagon is used frequently in Elder Scrolls to designate bad things, or mad gods.

Even further into the film... the fish people recite the chant of Cthulhu, kind of out of place...

Maybe this story and some others by Lovecraft about fish people and Cthulhu are the inspiration to the game Call of Cthulhu

Grumble Cakes

I WOULD be starting on Final Fantasy Tactics or Final Fantasy VII, but my Playstaion controllers are MIA. Its getting rather annoying....

Or even Resident Evil 2...

Bethseda and Cthulhu

I'm sorry guys but I'm going to keep this rather short.

Anyways, upon finsihed the short story a while back and thinking back on my blog earlier about the relation between Hackdirt and Cthulhu, I have found many more "coincidentaly" similar aspects of not just the secnario, but in fact the last few Eldar Scrolls games also. For those who ahve not read it I would suggest his story to you, at a rather short 26 or so pages its a quick read and very worth your time. But I digress, If we rexamine Hackdirt we can find a similairity between the group of people living there (and their history) and the Cthulhu cult: they live in a secluded area far in the woods, they are hostile, they worship the "Old Ones", they read runes, and they have sacrifices; in their past, as staed by a few characters in the game, they had to call in the Legion to check out some strange disapearances and some fighting ensued. 

Now finding that much of a similarity seems to show that the designers have had somehwat of a liking towards the story, but there are far more similarities than that. The plot to Eldar Scrolls III: Morrowind has to do with a hidden cult of hostile people who hide in extremely old forgotten places, they recieve their messages from their master, Dagoth Ur, through telepathy, for he lies in wait under Red Mountain, the hardest of the Dagoth cult are even called Dreamers and look eriely similar to the beast described in the book, and they worship a strange idol wiht a murky mist that is always nearby.

If we apply the previous principle to the new game, Eldar Scrolls IV Oblivion, we can find even more similarities. The Cult of Red Dawn is a hidden cult that lies in wait for the time that their master reviels himelf and takes over the erath and kills off all those who do not worship him, because "long ago the mortal plane belonged to Lord Mehrunes", the cult is hostile, they hide in far off places, and at the very end Mehrunes reveils himself but is sent back to his own plane to wait again for a chance to be freed.

These similairities, I hope, are only the proverbial tip of the iceberg. Please, I would like the only comments to be about even more stange similarities in games, especially those made by Bethseda, and even more so, the Eldar Scrolls games. Thank you and good night.

Also, I'm still looking through avatars so mine may keep changing for a while but the new blog header is a scene from the short story, where the crew of the Alert (or the other ship, because I don't really care to look it up) is landing at the island of R'lyeh.

A gift.

While I'm searching for a new emblem I decided to give you something that comes from the heart, although most of you probobly have seen this long before this, like I have, but Its a very well made AMV with music from my currently favorite band.


What am I really looking for?

Today had a funk to it, indescribeable but most of you will know what it was like. Everything felt saddening, and torn with reminishtion. I've been just sitting in my room the last couple of hours, ad a lot earlier in the day, just thinking and watching youtube, checking my facebook, etc.

Today I was really thinking about why anyone is entertained, it went from ranting on and on like a drunken lunatic about how I miss old games and such and how much better they are. After that I led myself into some Fallout to find that I am trapped at The Glow (definately my favorite part of the game, followed by the military base and the cathedral respectively)being far too radiated to survive a trek back, in thus I need to start over from a new file. After that there was a family get togather of both sides of my family. Lafitte was already at the movies with his girl and another firend of mine; I felt left out. The company we had over was a weird mi x that felt familiar but strewn randomly and torn. My cousin had one of her firends over that I couldn't tell if she was hitting on me or not. AFter that I started to head back into my room with my faithful kat (yes kat) and just watch youtube, read wikipedia (about mathematics, in exact complex numbers) and text a girl who likes me.

This all seems jobbled togather, yes it is, random maybe but needed to describe, yes. I have been thinking about what really draws us to doing anything; what could we be if we changed our pasts; and what I have been missing. 

Why do we play games? Do we enjoy it, do we pass time with it, do we enjoy it for its passing of time, do we enjoy it because we could never be in this position?.. so many questions.
How different would bwe be without the pain of regret, if we had done eerything right and been what we wanted ourselves to be?
How much of life has passed through my fingers, what could I be now?

I have really been missing some of the old days, I want to go back and watch some RE 2 or watch some old Final Fantasy, or play some Morrowind, most of all I miss having a good PC. I really just want to emerse into some old fun times, but thats impossible and unlikely that I would ever take a step in that direction because the dreams and memories reside as nearly being holy in my mind.

Also the women, I wish I had been more outgoing and met more peopl, I wish I could have been more well versed than I am now. I jsut want something to happen. I can hardly stand it anymore. This can be mixed in with the previous stuff I said, and also learning that a girl I used to know wanted to see me, which I hope is for the good.
I wish I were better friends with some people in general. New friends are hard to find, but thats being that I like friends to really be personal friends, people who like each other.

Most of all everything has felt unappealing, uninspiring, and just plain boring or saddening; its felt that way fr a while now, maybe a couple of weeks even. I might jsut be a tad depressed right now, I feel lonely, having no one around.

On the account of three items

First in this crazy cog of chaos that also turns the wheel of coincidence, I bought Call of Cthulhu the other day, this much was previously stated. Secondly Peter's and H.P.'s birthdates are today, which was coincidental back in the day when this was discussed. Thirdly Oblivon pays patronage to Cthulhu Mythos.

I had seen this in the past, and left it in the back of my head hibernating. Little did I know It was actually a clear reference to the short story. would Clas$ please open your cases and insert oblivion. In the quaint town of Hackdirt, which is invovled in the quest for the trader's daughter in Chorrol, which is located between Chorrol and Kvatch, there is a church in this ruined town. If yo have heard the stories of the town and talked to the locals you will find them unfriendly and... off. Now eneter the previously named chapel and look at the book on the alter, the book is the "Bible of the Deep Ones" and it references runes, this is a clear refereance to the short story, but wait there's more, After dark (before you complete the quest) crazed people from hackdirt suddenly attack you (another reference). There are probobly more similarities but I'm not far enugh in the story to identify them, still its a nice little subliminal easter egg, by the way the book is pretty pricey at 90 gold.

Shopping. *edit*

Yesterday I wandered my way over to Lafitte's house and we started to hang out. First we were talking about his Wii and RE4, and the other stuff that had been going on between our last get togather. Anyways e eventually went shopping.

We went walking and talking and spending money for more than an hour but it was enjoyable, however gay that sounds, and we actually had some good purchases. I will let Lafitte say what he got on his own time but I got: Austin Powers, Drunken Master (movies), Neuromancer, Enders Game, Call of Cthulthu (in an anthology), and a book on human history. Pretty nice day and I had some fun.

Later on we played a little RE4 and got into the castle, we also played a little bit of Wii sports, which was cool. Anyways thats it for now, just thought that I would alert you of new literature.

I looted my cousin's old rooma nd came out with something amazing. Now my NGE collection is complete by taking all of his VHS episodes. Happy Birthday Peter, I would get you Bioshock but it comes out the next day