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level 9: deals, lies, and wishes for redemption

Well im level 9, time for an update.

Hurray im level 9! i can now upload movies (maybe a video blog one of these days, if i can get the camera i use to minimize or lower the quality of the movie so that itll fit on the gamespot movie section)! I ight be able to do other stuff too! Still not level 10! and for that matter, still not level 45! Anyways, im level 9.

School is corrupting, always good. my buddy who ive mentioned earlier with the hooking up possiblity is well, into the underworld. He easily gets a supply of gars for my supply of other stuff. My bro gives me a supply of more divious things though. Anyways, now i have a steady supply of gars for free, while now appaerently everone in the clas wants to try, so they hae to pay 1-2$ per. 

Also, now today i got blamed for lying and bullying. This pus-- ass guy wouldnt move his stuff my my "zone" in the locker room, its an unspoken law, so i told him to move, he didnt, and started crying so i put my stuff down behind him. He got up and was all pissy and said "why the f--- do you do that, what the f--- is your problem" and i was like whoa...  So then he told the P.E. teacher that i had hit him on the neck. I told the truth, but still got in major trouble for "lying" and "bullying". still kinda pisses me off...

In gaming news i won't be on friday until late night, and tonight i will do stuff from about 8 tp 11. Still awaiting some new cash flow to get new material... maybe i should start dealing vices too....  Any suggestions for games other than crackdown, deadrising, dawn of sorrow, or pretty much any other 360 or ds game i would much appriciate. I am already trying to get knights of the old republic to work on, and the old games require set up to replay. Also, sadly enough, i lost my memory card for the GC a while back, kind of anoying....

its a level nine update and im out, i might post another review soon....

and on a side note, ive noticed how i every castlevania game dracula has his "true form" but its alays different...

XBL down= review time

sadly its down for repairs tonight, or some crap iek that, maybe i can get on that old thing some other time this week...

anyways, after messing around for a while i decided it a god time for my 10th game review (YAY!!!!) this one is for Battle Tanx,which to chose i had to open up the old N64 box and dig around unti i found this. Anyways i gues my point is that im missing XBL and after reading Wootex's blog im pretty muc putting out the same promotion. READ MY REVIEWS!!!!! lol

wheather you have the patience to or not is another matter, but at least comment lol.

ill take a break from blogs for a while, but this one was kind of nessicary.

until next time!

finallity in all of its forms

ok so final spring break blog.

spring break is over.:cry:

xbox is over unti next weekened for me (too busy).:?

got the bloodlines achievement in C:SotN (the one where you beat dracula with Richter without getting hit):D

starting to feel guilty for prett much rushing throug my spring break.:shock:

i other words, its all over. i finally did stuff in many ways. see you all on next blog post.Now for the COMMENT WARS!!!!!

new wave thorugh thine mind

im actually enjoying older games more than newer ones currently. Its as if older game designers actually ut soo much effort into their product that it was immortal.
anyways to get to the point im playing newer games less and less. My gameing usually runs in this cycle though so it is nothing unexpected.

soon im going to cut own my gaming to solitarily: Earthbound, C:SotN, Doom, Fallout, Toy Commander (its a clasic!), and ill have a few more ideas soon. Still to those with Gears, i am still willing to play a few matches with you guys.
any suggestions would be greatly appriciated.

have fun playing new whilset i go "old-school"

...maybe i should add zelda to that list....

not the light!

indeed my break is officially over. Nothing much else to say.
que the party crash

last night was spent with a rarely seen best friend, he got sh-- faced, and just said everything he said and couldnt respond. nothing muc of importance other than that. 
i dont even kow what to type about....

any questions ordaining to my break or gaming feel free to ask...


well its a little late for an update, but i promised id do it 8).

Today... how do i describe it....
well it started at an early wakeup call for a workout, which was fairly invigorating. From there it was pretty much play XBL arcade and checking GS periodicaly. Rather uneventful (not counting my lucky ass brother) 

On the arcade today i started my file on C:SotN and actually picked it up pretty fast (ALMOST got bloodlines achievement. 1 HIT!!! ALL I GOT WAS ONE DAM HIT!!!!) and got to the reverse castle in about 6 hours and 15 minutes (level like 30 or something) with jeweled knuckles (love the fast attack ;)), holy rod (holy effect kicks anything's ass), something circlet (forgot which jem :P), Diamond plate, twilight cape, king's band (OMG GOOD ASS DROP ITEM!!!!) , and the plaster ring (holy whatever, all i know is that it is from the dammed shop. Couldnt get the holy sword to drop :S made me a little mad. But upon entering the reverse castle i found out i missed the secret room from the VEEERY begining with Richter and now im very, very, VERY, upset. 

Also i played some Doom. Being a perfectionist and playing Doom is like shaving the skin off of your eyes though (SOO MANY SECRETS!!!!!). but i managed to get to what i think is the last level on the first chapter, then succomb back into the C:SotN comma. but i also spruced in some gears to tag along with the other stuff ;).

Me and Peter talked about C:SotN for a long time while we both started the game, it was entertaining, but he NEEDS to get a new mike (yes i know, i have 3 myself and only one works). and in a completely unrelated story i was demoted fom officer in the ipod union, i might quit then.

finally, on to friday:D:?:shock::evil:

1,2, skip a few, 99, 100!

yep, I missed yesterdays post, i know you all felt terrible. anyways... yesterday was prettty nice. Lafiette came over at about three, i went to see the Dead Sea Scrolls (yes i do live in KC and im sad to admit so.) and afterwards my brother, his friend, lafiette, and me all just chilled at my place. played some C:SothN (bought Doom later) and i watched my bro's friend play DBZ Boduki tenchiichi 2 (or w/e the fuc- it is). Overall rather uneventful night.

Earlier in the day though (in case ou hadnt noticed by the new points) me and Lafy we to the store and bought the 1600 point card, and came across a little device called Action Replay for the DS. Its a hacking helper (like gameshark) and had a nice game selection of hacks on it. Finally it was time to beat Animal Crossing (hehe).
anyways that was my day in a nutshell, ill post another tonight  cya!

Another day down

Glad to be at lafiette's house, hes got a working PC! So n thus i finally changed my header, sorry you cant see the whole thing, but you got the good part ;).


Anyways a recap of today: cut my finger (bad, probobly need stiches but not going to show it to anyone) at like 2am, woke up and watched my brother play some gears, then i played guitar hero for the first time in a long time and finnaly started 100%ing songs, then i got a call from lafieete to come over, we looked at mcirocenter and vintagestock at some games (looking for eternal darkness and a XBL points card) and came across Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Crackddown, but we didnt get anything. So here i am now typing for your eyes to reead of this pixalated wonder spewing forth from my mind.


I had an idea to make a top 5 most looked foward games (for me) for the 360 and here it is


1-bioshock (august something)

2-fallout 3 (way in the future)

3-postal3 (2008)

4-assassin's creed (dunno)

5- Castlevania:SofN (TOMMOROW!!!!!)


noteable entions are: mass effect, deadrising, crackdown, GTA4,  gears2 (lol i had to), and DEFINATELY NOT EVER halo3 (NO NO NO! only if i get it as a gift am i ever having this game EVER)


anyways if you would like to suggest an idea to the lsit feel free ;)


once again im just chillin tonight, and ill be on C:SotN all day tommorow :D 

spring break entry #1

day one: 120 hours remain... officall started my break, with a day of gears and a night with a pal. in case you havent noticed (IPODHERO!!!) i am not taking part in any unions this week, but i will remain to be active in commenting on blogs and keeping pople updated. i downloaded the crackdown demo. i am going to buy that game tommorow. Its a great game, but i can easyily see myself egtting bored with it. If you are interested in it (its a game with a similar function as gta but with a person who is adaptable) download the demo, its good. And on an ending note, my therepist and i were talking today, and we got into physics. we had a long toalk, covered much of physics, philosphey, history, and some mathematics. Anyways its the type of stuff i like. He lended me "a brief history of time" by steven hawking, and ill get into that book tommorow, if crackdown doesnt get me first ;) anyways have a good week to all those who have to do stuff, time for a fire embelme review, or 2 ;)

Level 8... grenades, pants, and portals to hell....

Level eight, O how you evaded me so. Level eight isnt all that much of a change, but its always great to move up, especially when you've had a month break from Gamespot. Anyways, I guess this is a new addition of Spring Break Blog (all rights reserved ;)); I might update daily now for this week. Anyways, my friend was being a...well a pu yesterday and said how I would never meet the girl or never do anything with him again... needless to say, I was saddened. Later that night (though) he apologized and said he felt really bad about what he had said. The problems were resolved.