First of all, I should note that I’m a member of the mindless masses that watches television. It’s my personal belief that not all television is “crap” today; there are simply shows that interest you and some that don’t. Since I’ve gotten and understanding of how shows end up on television over the years, I just thought I’d make a few rants about broadcasters in general (you can thank the upcomming fall season for this). I always thought the idea for a television series was to last as long as possible. You know, like 20 years if possible. Which is why I didn’t understand things like Lost and Prison break when they first came along. I’d said to myself, “how long could it take to bust someone out of prison? Five episodes, tops? And what exactly is the story of people crash landing on an island? They try to survive, don’t, and die?” Apparently I was wrong on this, and I guess you could just add stuf as you go along. But I still wouldn’t go into a network exec’s office with an idea I personally thought didn’t have the potential (story-wise) to go a really long time. Speaking of series going a long time, one thing that has irked me with a few of my favorite series is how they seem to transform from a single story per episode to ongoing to stories. Or as I like to say, going from “the wacky mis-adventures of” to “the ongoing saga of.” One example being Charmed, which just ended. At first, there was one demon in an episode, it was killed, let’s get to the next one. Then there was Balthazar. All of a sudden if you missed an episode, you didn’t know what was going on. This is even worse when it happens with sitcoms (Friends anyone?). I have no problem with reality shows. I think it’s kind of cool to see what other people are like, especially if people all around me are the same. What annoys me though is when networks blatantly steal ideas and hardly even put a spin on it. Trading Spouses, Wife Swap rip-off (I know the spouses came first, but I read an article saying wife was in development earlier). Then there’s the runaway freight train that is American Idol (I know there was a Pop Idol first, but bringing something to another country doesn’t count) which now has “competition” in the form of America’s Got Talent…which clearly is American Idol only you can do something else besides singing. Not to mention ABC’s The One, which just adds the Real World to the process. And speaking of Real World spins, what’s the deal with One Ocean View? How, in any way whatsoever is it different from RW? It’ll probably just suck more, since network has limitations cable doesn’t. This sort of brings me to my next topic: “only on.” I can’t begin to tell you how much I hate it when a promo uses those words. They don’t bring any merit to a program, and if I hate it, it’s just a new reason that I can’t stand the network. Tells me “you’re only place I can see this crap.” I get personal joy out of opportunites when this can’t be said, such as ABC Family broadcasting Falcon Beach. It’s from Canada and airs on Canada TV, so obviously ABC Family isn’t the only place you can see it. Cable channels losing their way in the sake of the trend pisses me off as well. Remember in the 80’s and 90’s when there were cable channels specifically for any purpose? Now they most of the time find some excuse to broadcast reality or something completely out of the realm of the original intention of the channel. Cartoon Network is a prime example. On Memorial Day they showed Spider-Man, the 2002 movie. Two words: live action. Nice visual effects, but it’s not a cartoon. Neither is PeeWee’s playhouse. Then there’s Toon Disney with Power Rangers. Is this registering with anyone? Power Rangers? Toon Disney? TBS tries to make the very funny thing work by picking the funny scenes out of action films when they show promos. Everyone knows Drama and Comedy are important parts of any medium designed to entertain, so in that respect, everything’s comedy. But in my opinion that doesn’t count. Then there’s Sci-Fi Channel and ECW. I like pro wrestling, and I can see the reasoning; at one time, ECW was pretty graphic, which may relate to horror, and sci-fi and horror can go hand in hand. Now it’s all corporate, and nowhere near as bad as it used to be. That’s all I can think of at the moment. I should stop before more things come to mind.
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