@PixelAddict yup they saving a lot. The reason for that is the following. PS3 created with 90nm PS3 slim on 45nm that made them capable to create from the same size twice CPU and GPU, etc. PS3 extra slim will be using (imo) 22nm that means sony will be able to crete from the same size of material double PS so the cost for them drop close to half from before
@LtReviews nothing personal bro but every time that i see your commen to be like (I AM GOD I KNOW EVERYTHING YOU ALL SACK MY COMMENTS ARE FACTS NOTHING MORE) and not saying even once (in my opinion) that saw only that you are an egoist a man that believe everyone else is wrong and knows everything, you believe that you are an expert on everything and anything. When i do a comment and say my opinion i use ''imo'' and then start to talk, when i talk about facts i give facts to ppl after i have done my homework. when you are not able to see all those millions or millions of fans that buying every device of nintento like blind zombies(no offence to customers, there are some of them that i had met that are logic customers and not buying every shit of nintento) look the sells of pokemon, zelda, mario, etc all the exclusives are from 50%-70% of the total sells of 3DS. those are facts. That is a homework that you didnt do, this is something that you didnt read and this is something that on your following comment you are going to say that i dont have any clue from all those things that just post. And let me tell you one more thing egoist-expert bro I dont give a shit from what you are saying, nintento fans dont give a shit, reality dont give a shit. AND THATS A FACT TOO.
@LtReviews you say that only because nintento say it bro, i dont know even a single person in my life and believe i know a lot of ppl that are playing games to have that logic, not buying 3DS or PSV or whatever because they have a smart phone. This is your opinion this is Iwata's opinion, nothing more(they didnt even do a galop) so when you do a comment make sure to say ''IMO'' and not talk like what you are saying its fact only because Iwata told someing to ppl.
@LtReviews you dont have a clue? lol hahahaha bro plz PS2 was a killer console back on 2002-2006 xbox 360, PSP, PSV and PS3 doing the same thing they take customers from nintento. MY point, The fact point, the reality is that nintento is not loosing cusomers from smartphones or tablets(not yet). when the cloud gaming will be up, then we can talk about smartphones/tablets vs consoles.
@LtReviews 1) nintento have a lot of exclusive titles (zelda, pokemon, mario, kid icarus, metroid etc) those titles are not going to be on selfphones or other devices2) saw me even one person that brought 3DS, DS etc for not playing even one of those exclusive titles that i allrdy speak of3) no person with 10IQ or more is going to give 150euro+ just to not w8 on the lines of shops.4) fanboys or blind fanboys buying everything only because nitento made it.P.S. you dont see those facts? then there is no point to talk to a blind person. :)
@LtReviews bro stock prices have nothing to do with it. The reason that nintedo is going down is not because of the phones lol did smart phones and tablets even exist back in 2000? wtf.... The reason the PS2 that has the record of the highest sales worldwide was on, on 2000-2006 and PS3 + xbox 360 that came later on 2005 and 2006 those took a lot of ppl + the company policy has changed and doesnt make so much money from their device as before because they were forced to low the prices too much + PSP and PSV that took some of GBA, DS and 3DS customers.
@davsonamission there is only one way for mobile gaming come close to a console gaming. Cloud! when cloud gaming will be released then we can talk about mobiles VS consoles. as for what you just say about next next gen consoles even if mobile gaming stay as it is now for the next 12 years there is not going to be next next generation of consoles only because of cloud gaming. they will be no need to buy new hardware you will just pay a bill every month and play. mark my words :)
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