@Reuwsaat I see your point, I didnt play Crysis 2, so i cant judge and tell the difference by a video. But my opinion about Frostbyte 2 is that they had done gr8 job only because my system work on 70% to give me so good graphics instead of other graphic engines that use more or the same of my system to show me worse graphics (ofc I'm talking about First person games and not about ''sim, stategy, etc'' that is natural to ask more power to show you the same graphic quality) for example, Diablo 3 using 75%-85% of my power and the graphics are terrible VS BF 3 that use the same amount.P.S. sorry about the 9 days after i just saw the comment on my e-mail. :)
@agallardo13 bitch plz you realy think that the sony learned from their mistake ? wtf look the facts and use logic, PSP when it launch was costing 250 euro, PSV cost 250-300 euro!!!!! The only reason behind the ''lagging'' as you call it is, only because they sell a lot of units. Sony PS3 sold from june 31, 2011 until March 31, 2012 ........ 12,1billion units!!!!! ...... in less than a year!!!! do you believe that the reason behind this is, they want to ship the new console cheeper? HELL NO they just sell to much to ship it yet!!!!
@barrybarryk yeah '' if was going to be over priced he'd tell us first right'' Satoru Iwata its not at all troll, ''we are not going to release any new 3DS we are working on next gene, 3 weeks later, ''this is the new 3DS XL'' bitch plz when he is saying reasonable that means the console could be on 400-500 because they find it resasonable without overprice the console :S
@-The-G-Man- i remember it ''motion capture'' this one very expensive. ''cinematics'' are expensive too back having a better graphic engine will not force some companies to spent money on cinematics when they will be able to have very good cutscene
@-The-G-Man- to create or to buy a new graphic engine doesnt cost as must as those 3 things that i just say. and to make a development on a game to a smarter engine means less work so less money to spend to create a new game
@-The-G-Man- as for the unreal engine 4 i told you what the Dev of the unreal engine told on a reporter. and for the last one the reason why they need bigger budgets its because they add technology that not evolve's the graphics quality but technology like'' voice over from actors'' ''real writers for the senario'' ''real motion moves on NPC (my brain stack and dont remember the name of that technology)'' and other like those staffs
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