@-The-G-Man- IQ = 0 I AM NOT THE ONLY ONE THAT SAY THAT NEW TECHNOLOGY CAN IMPROVE THE EXPIRINCE THE DEVELOPERS MOST OF THEM SAY THE SAME THING dmt and allways wondering why Charles Darwin was came up with the theory that human came from apes, obviously he saw some of your ancestors. hmmm that's why.
@-The-G-Man- my point is haveing the devs new technology it will be easier to creat new expirince rather than stack on this one for example if you give a graphic engine to Dev that its from Direct X 7 generation and tell them to creat a masterpiece and then give them Direct X9 or 10 or 11 and tell them the same thing it will be much easier to creat one + this one will be gr8er masterpiece not only on crafic expirience but on gameplay too. There are things that dev cant do on this generation and w8ing the next to do it. its not something that now i came up but the Dev told it. So its a fact.
@-The-G-Man- all the gerne games even the new adventure that are released have those things and thats only for the direct X you dont want me to tell you what will happend if you boost the CPU, GPU , RAM
@-The-G-Man- wow and because racing games and some others doesnt need new technology to go on then we must not bring out the new tecnology that will improve to he other 70% or gerne the experience nice logic. :S
Auronvolgar's comments