@Richardthe3rd there are ppl out there that can make the pokemon(a casual game) to a hardcore one. casual games are the easy games the games that even a 3 years old child can finish it those are casual, hardcores are the games that are hard and someone need to be 15-18 to understand them and finish them that doesnt mean that those hardcore games need to have sex, drugs, guns etc to be hardcore.
@Richardthe3rd no bro the guns doesnt have to do about a game being casual or not, a lot of old adventures is hardcores if you are a new generation gamer ofc you dont understand what hardcore means if you are a gamer from the atari then and you dont understand it either then not my prob. xbox and PS and even PC doesnt mean that are full of hardcore games but they have at list hardcore games wii simple doesnt
@fefisgbf13 yeah i agreed with you about EA. but imo the only good NFS from the last years was underground 1 and most wanted. and its Dante on not a FF character + FF has good graphics tho
@barrybarryk @burgo81 2 out of 5 games of best seller on wii..... NOT EVEN A GAME and the other 3 only total casual games gr8 you just confirm what i told on my post :) tnx a lot :D
@fefisgbf13 its not that have lack of capable programmers :) its that 100 lines of code on C++ its like 1k-2k lines on assembly, it needs hell of work, but when you end it you will have a game with a) no bugs, b) gr8 staning uber etc graphics, c) it will need 1/100 of storage on the HDD or SSD and maybe more things that i dont know about assembly, but it will be able to operate only on the hardware you create it for
@fefisgbf13 so if we put asembly on the ''game'' you have right they dont use 100% of the power but only 20-25%. But noone ever creat such an engine!!!
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