@fefisgbf13 the point was not the gameplay on your post but ''I doubt developers are using full power of this gen.'' you are out of topic the fact is they are using full of power some Devs doing better job some other not but that doesnt mean they dont use full of the power.
@fefisgbf13 bro you dont understand its not like they dont want to make the BF 3 look the same on consoles its like they can't!!!! simple because the hardware of PS3 and Xbox 360 its not able to suport better graphics and quality its not only somehting that i say but even the Devs of many companies outthere big once told the same thing if you search on gamespot you will find articles from a lot of them saying the same thing as i had told you '' the current generation can't go any futher we need new hardware to give to ppl better quality''
@ChiefReaver totaly agreed!!! why they just dont tell the truth? ''we dont want new gene because we much spent money to create a new graphic engine!!!!!'' the Dev of unreal engine 4 told that his new graphic engine not only has staning graphic but will make the developers work much esier than the current graphic engines!!!! not like David Jaffe said he "couldn't care less" about the next generation of consoles, further explaining that these new platforms will make "ambitious" projects more difficult.
@fefisgbf13 bro... they are using full power, when they release a title that on PC has 2 and 3 times better quality hat means they are using max of the power that this gene have and can't creat something better
@burgo81 and not only that, Wii its a console for casual only gamers not hardcore, and if we look how many casual vs hardcore gamers are out there its like 20:1 so no shit captain obvious rly? wii outsold the other consoles!!!! wow i didn't expect that
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