@CptJohnnyRico @Auronvolgar @Grey_Eyed_Elf 90% of the gamers doesnt care if there is a card that is better on 1080p+ because they dont have such a monitor to put in use such a card, instead they care if there is a card that is better on 1080p.
@CptJohnnyRico @Auronvolgar @Grey_Eyed_Elf ???? 1) link, oherwise is as i told you, everyone can say what ever he wants 2) only 10% of the gamers are playing above 1080p so that means it's a useless card right now. even if that is true
@CptJohnnyRico @Auronvolgar @Grey_Eyed_Elf http://hexus.net/tech/reviews/graphics/37209-geforce-gtx-680-vs-radeon-hd-7970-clocks/?page=3 they even put the same clock
@CptJohnnyRico @Auronvolgar yeah yeah yeah cry more i have prof you have only your words... I can say that i am superman, but that will not make me one.
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