Thanks for the good games and good memories, but reduced to 16 people leaves them on the brink of disappearing. Games like Burnout Paradise and NFS MW would have seen the studio headcount well over 100 (ignoring the distinction between permanent and contractors).
With no announced games their only hope for continuing is for those remaining 16 to be entirely focused on coming up with new ideas, concepts and designs.
It's a shame that a company folds after such a long time, but honestly I couldn't name a single game they had made - looked them up on wiki, and even then didn't recognise most of their titles.
And that's from someone in the UK whose been gaming 25+ years :(
And this is why you should always run your press releases past other people in the company first - so you don't have to backtrack the next day to clarify
Just as EA earn some goodwill through the Humble Origin Bundle, they go do something stupid like this announcement
We DON'T want to be forced online for everything. didn't the crap launch of Sim City tell you anything? Didn't the backlash against always online requirements for otherwise single player games also pass you by?
Avenger1324's comments