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AwsomeCowboy16 Blog

Game wish list

The Bourne Conspiracy



Super Street Fighter 4

What I've done is take games I want but woulden't pay for. I love the holidays! =)

Can't wait for Homefront!!!!!!

Homefront is a FPS coming out in March of 2011. With Call of Duty and Halo Reach now in the market it it has to Homefront has to really perform if it wants to become a contender. The campigne is takeing the road less traveld by using a story focused campigne. In a near future scenerio Korea has invaded The U.S.A. You play a resistance soldier fighting along a few others to fight of the forigne invaders. They add plenty of pepole being beat down and shot. This opresion makesyou feel like you're in a conflict bigger than youreself. Multiplayer adds a econmy using battlepoints. Every time you kill someone or complete a objective you get battlpoints to purchase vehicles, ammo,and guns. This game has 32 player multiplayer with dedicated servers. Will Homefront become a great shooter to open up 2011? Or will this resistance be crushed.

Creed 3

If you don't know about Assasin's Creed Brotherhood you're living under a rock. But some might not know that Brotherhood is actually Assasin's Creed 2.5. It's not Creed 3. Wich means that A.C. fans can rest easy and know that a new Assasin's Creed is underway. Assasin's Creed 3. Of course we might have to wait at least two years. That's my estimate. We will definatly see a new city. Will we see a new assasin?

Bungie is busy

I was doing my daily scan for new content on gamespot when I saw the top 10 games list. No.6 was a untitled bungie project. I was as excited as everyone else. In case you didn't know Bungie sighned a 10 year contract with, wait for it............ ACTIVISON!!! That's right the makers of Call of Duty working with the creators of Halo! It's a dream come true. Imagine the possibilites! We could get a Halo Call of Duty Hybrid. Like Call of Halo. No information has been relased on the game not even the genre. Let's pray information comes soon. Mabye we will here something at E3 2011. But no matter what I'm expecting something big.

Movie Games

One game genre that is looked down apon for poor graphics, bad voice acting, and generic linear gameplay is movie games. They are always very short and are ALWAYS given poor reviews. Why some people by the is because they want to experience the movie. The commercial sucess or faliure of the movie the game is based on is determins how the game sell. I'll admit once or twice I ALMOST boght a movie game but quickly stoped myself. There has only been one movie game that was amazing and became a classic for all time. GOLDENEYE 007.

Motion Showdown.

We can now legitamently say every console now has a motion control game. Three have tried and three have failed. Thet's not to say every game on these consoles are bad. Kinect has Dance central and Wii has Legened of zelda and GoldenEye. Sonys' Move in my opinion is the worst the only good game being a sports package wich is neccesary with all motion control consoles. My personal Favorite is Kinect because I think it's the most ambitios. I've played all three consoles and Kinect is my favorite. Wii is second. Move is third. But I hear they might make the covented Gears of War 3 Kinect compatable. Do we need that? NO! So in my opinion Microsoft, Sony, and nintendo should cut the crap and make games the way God intented. A way so we can sit on the cuch and not wave our arms around. I think the best thing to do is to stick with waht works. And it's called a old fashoned controller. Look it up.

The side character effect.

I feel that side characters have officaly have become more likeable than the main protaganist. Two prime examples are Reach and Black Ops. In Reach you most likely like a noble team member that's not noble six. In Black Ops you probably like Woods. This is because tou can't grow a attachment to the main protaganist. The games that have this are usually FPS's. But you'll find it all over. And that is the side character effect.

Console Wars!

I currently own a Wii and a 360 Elite. But lately I've completly ignored the Wii and it's games (save GoldenEye).The PS3 entered my sights ever since I saw infamous. But I thought the Price of that and PS3 would be to much and I could not thinkof many games on PS3 I couldn't get on 360.So I looked And here's my list:infamous, uncharted, Killzone2, Racet and Clank, MotorStorm Apocalypse, Shadow of colosses, and Twisted metal. That's 7 games on PS3 compared to 1 on Wii. So I would sell my Wii and all it's games and use the cash to get a PS3. Message me about my plan. Note: I would NEVER sell the 360.

Top 3

Top 3 games of E3

3.Golden Eye 007

2.Assasins creed Brotherhood

1.Call of Duty Black OPS

Top 5 Double Feature

Top 5 Horror games

5.Bioshock1 4.Dead Space 3. Amnesia 2.F.E.A.R 1. Silent Hill

Top 5 bloodiest games

5. Gears of War 4.Mortal Combat 3. God of War 2. SplatterHouse remade 1. X-men Origens Wolvirene.

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