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AwsomeCowboy16 Blog

Top 5

Top 5 ways to kill someone.

5.Bullet Time(Max Payne)

4.Dead eye (Red Dead Redemption)

3.Assasanations (Reach)

2.Exacutions(Gears of war)

1.Fatalitys(Mortal Combat)

ESBR is triping.

Okay I do not wish to offened ESBR for starters but I want everyone to remember two games. Halo and Starcraft. Got those in yore head? Good. Now everyone agrees that Halo is not that violent and should be rated T. Starcraft has Use of Alcohol, Blood and Gore, Sexual content, ect....You can see the beating heart of a enemy you ripped open and it's rated T. What I think is that now the genre of the game varifies what it is rated FPS's will all be rated M while RTS's will be rated T. Just think about that.

Top 10 gaming heros

Listen. This is my opinion. But I want everyone's input. So if youre favorite is not on my list, send a message of youre favorite video game hero. The more people who get behind said hero the mor He or she will advance in the list. Antother thing to know is everyone must be aPLAYABLE CHARACTER.

10.Nikko Bellic (Grand Theft Auto 4) 9.Salem and Rios (Army of 2) 8. Duke Nukemen(You know who he is) 7.Mario(millions of mario titles) 6.The Prince(Prince of Persia) 5.Jim Raynor(Starcraft) 4.Sam Fisher(Splinter Cell) 3.Marcus Fenix(Gears of War) 2.Jhon Marston(Red Dead Redemption) 1.You(Any game where you create and are the character)


Hello and welcome chicas y caballeros to AwsomeCowboy16's first blog. I promise you after this it won't be near as boring. I can't wait talk up and go on the war path toward our favorite games and the ones we threw out a month ago.
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