Cant wait for Jet SEt Radio 2 , JSR was one of my fav games ever.
I really liked its single player though with different clans , modes and when police was chasing you. I hope this games single player meet those standards which it doesnt seems so
FF12 wasnt the game everyone was looking for after FFX. Was literally a mediocre MMORPG like RPG. And it was bad in every possible way because of that and the first FF game that somewhat divined FF fans. That says something imho.
With that being said , to remaster FF12 is one thing but to pay full price for it .. is another !
I would love for a FF9 remake instead. Way more enjoyable characters , story , progression , settings etc
It looks okish for an afternoon or two with some friends , thats about it.
Theres no way to have a seriously competitive online environment when on top of latency , net codes etc you have motion controls which we all know is not the most precise way to play a versus game ... That ruins the game for me. But thats me
On the other hand it could be fun playing with friends and family for a while etc . Who knows , we need to see more
AzatiS's comments