@Bryjoered07: Ive played most expansions myself , i end up doing the very same thing in the end ... the very same thing. BORED while waiting for a reset or leveling an alt in the most boring questing system ever ( used to be something but nowdays is not as good as it seemed a decade ago ).
The classes are the same thing over and over ... They adding few spells that looks slightly different with a different effect that you get used to it in the first 6-10 dungeons let alone after a few days.
Graphics are as bad as it get but they aged well because of this cartoony feel they have.
I dont know if we played the same game before. Dont get me wrong im not against for you to buy the expansion and have fun ... im against the stupidity of fanboys that calling this ONCE AGAIN the best expansion ever, ONCE AGAIN this , ONCE AGAIN that ... and out of fanboyism and that alone they go and buy it. Oh well . Do as you like , i personally wont fall for this once again to end up get bored once again.
I give this game less than what it took to last expansion for a decline.
As far as MMOs go , im waiting for Lost ark to see what is this all about.
All they wanted was the revival of a well known BOSS ... and there you are ... the sheep again went to buy yet another expansion of an outdated game so they end up doing exactly the same things over and over till they get bored. Typical splendid Blizzards marketing and typical Blizzboys.
And again here we are , yet another expansion that is "great" , "fantastic" , "different" , "amazing". Ok !!
399$ is sweet price imho. With its first price drop and if publishers and developers take full advantage of PS4 pro on same games i cant bypass this i guess.
Very underwhelming Dungeon experience ... Very narrow environments , same opponents like 25 minutes over and over , BOSS was nothing spectacular ( though is close to the start of game ). I literally got bored ...
Im not sold yet , in fact i have to see and learn more before i even start of thinking buy this
@Itzsfo0: I can manage to play diablo 3 more than few days each reset , then im getting super bored.
POE has the ability , IF YOU ARE TRUE HARDCORE PLAYER OF THE GENRE like you saying you were since you were die hard Diablo 2 player , to keep players interested for loooong , way longer than Diablo 3 ever will. And thats because you need to work hard to find the best gear in game so solo up all the maps and bosses aside everything else like very fun builds etc ...
AzatiS's comments