I couldn't say it better myself. I did not back that chalice game either (regardless of that propaganda video crap thingy). There's something I don't like about him. Maybe he's hopeless with cash however scoring 3.3 mill from the asking price of 400k? So he's telling me that 400k gets the backers a splash screen and one puzzle to solve?
That letter - it's all talk. Hey Tim, let's see the game that you initially asked for...400k. Thankfully I did not back this project however by the sounds of this project, it's going to rival Grim Fandango.
Then they should ask for 3 mill instead of 400k. I love to see that game with their initial plan - that is 400k.
And that tweet from Tim...that's like believing the government. And steam 'early access' - man, I love to buy a game that's totally broken.
And that bit with 'Tim, take your time blah blah blah' - I'm sorry Tim, you have completely smashed goal initial goal. I don't care you have a 'vision' - you asked for 400k so you are telling me 400k is a lie?
Am I missing something here? They completely smashed their target so granted, development time will be longer because of those extra goals. But asking for more money?
Didn't you guys achieved your goal when it comes to money? Thank goodness I didn't back this project however I do hope that once it's completed, the backers are getting their money's worth.
For a PC gamer, Xbox Live is the worst by a long shot - clunky, takes about fifteen times to log in and then it will log you out just as fast for no reason etc etc. Steam, UPlay and Origin works fine for me however I wish Origin have some sort of incentive, like UPlay (earning points) or Steam (achievements etc).
Azghouls' comments