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I have Photoshop!!!!!!!

It's true! My friend helped me get it and now I can make images for GameSpot and what not! I've already made a new signature I'm very proud of:

Nothing too special, but it works.

I still want to learn how to make cool designs. I've always had trouble discribing them, but for example, look at the background of audiboy's banners. Crazy things like that. So if anyone can teach me how to make those cool kinds of designs, I would greatly appreciate it.

I'm also level 19! I'm with the real big boys now. xD

Happy holidays

Happy holidays everyone. I'm also level 18. Sorry I haven't been at the DHU. Hope all of your breaks are going great if you're on one. I'll see you all later.

I'm going to have some fun this week

Well adding up all of my birthday money together with the $50 my grandma sent to me for Christmas and the $50 (more likely $60 by the time I get it) allowence that I still haven't gotten, I have just about $360. Now, I know what all of you are thinking, but I'm not going there. I'm using some of that money to get an iPod. My first one, and finally for me... music carrying made easy. I'm more excited than most iPod users because going old-school and using this crappy CD player for much longer just isn't working out and it takes up too much space. And I dare not bring it to school because people DO steal them and I even got to see the poor kidnapping victems right in the theif's hands. Poor guys who got their precious music players stolen.... Yeah, people suck. So other than that, I'll be getting new jeans and possibly a new belt, and it's a surprise I can still breath in this one. :P I think there was one other thing, but oh well.

I have been having big sleeping problems lately, so no, normally I wouldn't be up writing this blog on GameSpot at 8:50 in the morning.

A review has been revived

Just a little notification that I made a new Jak II review that I think I'm a little happier with. So you guys can check that out and see how I did and maybe get some good advice if you plan on buying/playing the game yourself. I would have given it a 9.3, but I don't fully understand what the "Tilt" is.

I'd also like to say again how I've now made three new blogs before this since I keep pushing them further down the list.

Time for a review

I've been thinking... maybe I should write a new review. Maybe even more. I did mention earlier that I deleted my old ones because I said things that I wouldn't say now like how I was trying to get certain points out, and at the time I was on a reviewing spree (BEAT is on a reviewing spree!) and went crazy with them. So I'm trying to think of what game(s) I should review because making GameSpot reviews is pretty fun when you get to score it and write a short intro and stuff. Yeah... this is one of those times where I become excited with GS after getting a new icon or something.

I also made two new blogs before this in case nobody noticed yet.

Alright... no Christmas party tomorrow

Well, their power went out and they won't be having it again for days. So it looks like we won't be having that Christmas party tomorrow. Stupid storm. If nature and I were in a fighting game, I would K.O. it's @&$ so hard.

Winter break

I'm officially out of school for winter break. Two and a half weeks of no school! w00t! Actually, I've been sleeping in and skipping almost all this week so I'm probably not as relieved as I would if I went to school for more than just one or two days. O_o Oh yeah, today school was closed because of the storm.

Anyways, I'll be finishing getting the final character classes to their full list of weapons on Soul Calibur III and trying to beat the missions on hard mode and the medium difficulty ones that are giving me a stressful time. I'm also asking for Valkyrie Profile 2, FFXII, and Jak 3 for Christmas. So if I can get those I'll be kept busy for a while. I also have a lot of birthday money that I never spent from last weekend.

Tomorrow I'm going to my cousins' house for our little gift exchange and party thing. Then the next day I'll be going to my friend's house for his family's Christmas party. Then after that I have no idea.

But I'm trying to tag as much stuff as I can, I'm already at 289 tags right now and I'm aiming for at least 500 for that I can get the Tagger Leader emblem. And just a new emblem in general since I need twelve more games (PS2) before I can get the PS2 Aficionado emblem. Whew! Well, no worrying about stupid school.

I've sort of gone back to gaming

Actually, I have. And thank god. Because being on this computer all day has been getting very boring, tiring, and kind of sad and lonely lol. But Jak II is frustrating me with it's stupid racing, and I had to start over yet again because of this kid who, no matter how many times I told him to go to 'Continue without save', he saved the new game he was playing when I woke up. I only noticed when I wanted to play. But I love it, so it's not too big of a problem. I also got a new copy Soul Calibur III from my birthday party, so now I can continue on that and try to get everything there is left. Man... I pwned everyone so much at that game. But it was hella fun because we made two characters that look exactly like two of my friends there. We also made Santa and he has numchucks. Anyways, I've been playing on and off with those games and finally staying away more from the computer.

I don't want to take up a bunch of time, so I didn't read over this blog lol.

Birthday party!

This Saturday is my birthday party. Sweet. My birthday was on Thursday the 30th last week and I turned 15. It was pretty sweet. But my party's gonna be hecka fun.

Also, this hat should come in the mail for me soon:

Yeah, it's...... I've been saying "sweet" a lot. :lol: And finally, games won't be the only thing we're doing! I love games (of course!), but at people's birthdays that I know/knew they get kind of boring or... sometimes a problem. And people will be like "Well, what else is there to do?". That's because we're so involved with video games that the other possibilities of things we can do escape our minds or we see no point in them. But my birthdays since my 11th have pretty much had the only thing be games games games and this time I want us all to be able to swim, take the bus down to the mall, and just hang out and socialize a lot of the time since we're at that age where it's fun lol. And this is the first time I've had girls stay the night (the first time in five years they've ever come at all). But they would be in the only bedroom in the suit when they go to bed (when they want to), and that of course, is not where the dudes and I are going to be. :lol: There will be a lot of people there. And it's not like one of those stupid house parties where the parents aren't there to know and everyone is doing whatever the hell they want by trashing the house and smoking weed and crap or putting drugs in the soda or something. Just a birthday party. :) Who knows, maybe these two friends of mine will go hyper and write "INSIRT ----- HERE" with an arrow above someone's butt when they're sleeping like they did on one of the guys' halloween party this year lol. So yeah, t'will be super.

I'd also like to point out how this is my longest blog ever (I only blog on GameSpot).