Second people will complain and scream discrimination no matter what. It's like these people just need to feel abused or something... like it gives them a purpose.
For example if females don't dress sexy enough in games it's sexist. If they dress sexy it's sexist.
He points out the issues and I agree with most but the game is not a 6....that's just ridiculous.
Personally I really enjoy it.....I would say it's a 8 or 8.5 due to the phasing and bugs. Other than those things I think it's the best MMO to come out in a long time.
Yep and console fans just don't get that. It's fine if consoles are a good fit for you but lets not act like consoles have anything on PC other than being more casual.
Future proof? Sure if future proof means you will get games on it for the next 6+ years and that it's going to get left behind in the graphics department and suffer from looking outdated for about 5 of those 6're right.
lol...pc is for the big boys. Your TV isn't going to match the resolution of my monitor. And your console can't match the AA/AF/etc that you get from a decent PC.
I have a PS3 and 360 and neither come close to what a PC can do....haven't touched the consoles in over 9 months.
And by the way...PC gamers have been next gen for a long time now, just look at the difference in BF3 from consoles to PC. But to each his own...
Oh and I have played my PC on my own big ass tv...Samsung LED. I would still take my monitor....
BSC14's comments