In a way. One of his videos really ticked me off a while back. I called him out in the "Ask GameSpot (Editors & Video Producers forum" and pointed out why he was wrong and he never had the testicles to reply. Want to know why? Because he knew he was in the wrong.
I think it's great for every company to support being tolerant but at some point if you try too hard you'll end up doing the exact opposite. All they end up doing is creating the very problem they were fighting against.
The people complaining don't want others to see color/race, sexua! preference or gender yet they are the ones constantly bringing it up and throwing it in everyone's face.
They seem to have a bigger issue with who they are than anyone else.
Why would anyone care? And once again with gamespot posting everything related to these kinds of stupid social issues.
Really wish gamspot would go back to the days when they posted game articles and not so much about this kind of trash.
The "journalist" here are trying to push some kind of ridiculous agenda. Please guys go work for one of the MANY news networks...they all see things the same way as you. You know, g%y people are treated badly, everyone is a racist and the Christians are terrible people but the Muslims are saints.
BSC14's comments