Well I'm a person of faith and here is my take on this gay gaming convention.
I do not support the gay lifestyle or whatever you want to call it but at the same time it's not my business what people do with their lives. I'm not the judge of how people should live and I don't go around telling people that they are wrong for what they are doing. Just stating this because I see a lot of people bashing people of faith as if they are all crazy gay haters or something.
Now that said, if gay people want to be treated equal and there to be no divided lines why do you go out of your way separate yourselves from straight people with a "gay convention"? The very people that fight about wanting to be a regular part of society are the very people that segregate their selves from it.
Really....my 10 year old gamer friend? When you grow up, after puberty, you will probably still be gaming as well. lol…loser? Kid, I have a family, make over 150k and have a house on the beach.
Games are a pastime that I truly enjoy when I have free time…but loser? No I don’t think so…but you still have potential to fill that role.
And don't be mad just because you're stuck with stagnant hardware.
I'm 40 years old and have heard this every single time a new generation of consoles come out.
First off what do most of these exec really know?What they know is how to create hype to generate sales…and that’s about it.
And second, like every new console it will start out strong in the graphics department and drop off like crazy within a year or so. And once again PC will be ahead in every way just like it has always been.
Don't buy into the hype guys.....remember how PS3's "cell" was going to change gaming forever? Yeah, it's like that.
BSC14's comments