Finally got my hands on it today. I have both consoles, and I can say without a doubt that I've enjoyed my time with the Xbox One more than the PS4. Part of it is familiarity, and part of it is that the Xbone just has better games out right now. I'm really enjoying Forza, DR3, and Ryse. I'm having a hard time believing that Ryse got such poor reviews, but I'm glad I ignored them.
With all of that said, I'm more impressed with the Kinect than anything. Outside of one instance where it couldn't read my voice because of background noise, it's worked perfectly. I'm not a big motion control or voice command kind of guy, but everything I've done has me really juiced. Plus, the TV functionality is awesome. I didn't think it would work with my cable provider, but it's been great.
My gamertag is Bengerman 1031, if any of you want to add me!
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