This is an excellent article. The interviewer makes them both sound like idiots - whether the journalist was providing fact or not.
He talked about perception, and it couldn't be more crucial to look the best as possible when emerging as a new legitimate enterprise.
Instead, it's backwards fucking governance (with those who are actively playing the sports making the rules) with an inept commissioner and fucked funding model. These guys need to hire a consulting firm.
They also say "we will decide that" or "that's coming soon" - they better to do it soon. It's a terrible communications move to create something half-finished, and hail it as something fantastic.
(This is the best news article I've read on Gamespot in months. So much kudos)
Seriously considering not buying Quantum Break on the Windows Store now. When is Microsoft going to pull their head out of their ass and realize they're playing catch up (still) with the PC gaming market?
The jedi temple thing makes sense. When you go all meta and realize where Luke was at the end, was filmed on the Skellig Isles - which have old, old monasteries.
It'd be great if you guys did a 60 minute documentary on Gamergate. I'd 100% endorse that. It's that kind of investigative-ish game journalism that makes the Point great, and so unique enough, it's the pivotal reason to visit Gamespot.
Baelath's comments