After Gamespots review for ME came out, while shocked, I felt I couldnt say anything about it until I played the game enough to agree/disagree with the reviewer. I now have almost 40 hours logged into the game, and I have to say, the reviewer is WAY off on the technical issues he mentioned with the game. I wont even go into the graphics, voice acting, or anything else about the game because there is no need to do so, because that aspect of the game is flawless.
The reviewer for the game mentioned several technical issues. 1- Shepard getting stuck in the wall/ground and him not being able to get him out at all. 2- terrible controls using the Mako (the ground rover) 3- problems with the combat in the game 4- textures taking forever to fill in 5- issues with the maw on planet exploration
As I said, I have played this game for over 40 hours so far, so I have had plenty of time to experience the issues he spoke of, and here is what I have seen:
1- I havent been able to get Shepard stuck ANYWHERE that I couldnt get him out from, and I have even TRIED to do so.
2- If you take the time to get used to the Mako, you wont have any trouble using it or shooting/attacking with it at all. No, it doesnt become some unbelievable war machine the second you pick up the controller, you actually have to take the time to get used to it, and learn it before you will be able to use it properly.
3- The combat in the game is actually very challenging, and alot of fun. The catch is this... you CANNOT run and gun. You will die, and die alot. If you tried that approach, I could understand you getting frustrated, because you will have your backside handed to you over and over again. You have to approach combat with strategy in mind. Gear up your teammates properly, use cover and biotics, and be patient. Doing that will get you through the combat. I seriously have to believe the guy who reviewed this has a preference for FPS games over RPG games, because thats the only way I can explain his issues with the combat.
4- The textures do lag behind sometimes. 10 seconds or longer, as the reviewer said? No, nowhere close to that. The times the textures do sometimes have to "pop" in, I have seen it take as long as 1 to 4 seconds at most.
5- Major issues with the maw. The maw is a beast that could pop up on any of the planet exploration portions you go through in the game. The only time you are going to see the creature will be in flat areas, obviously, because it would make no sense for it to pop out of the sides of mountainous terrain. The reviewer stated issues with the maw fights that went from complaints of the movements of the maw combined with trouble using the mako to battle it. I have to shoot down both of those problems as well. I actually look FORWARD to coming across a maw, because you get a nice little profit from killing one, and some decent XP as well. Yes, the thing WILL pop up underneath you and kill you instantly if you sit still. Now, if you are moving about it could still happen, but the chances of that drop dramatically. Basically, all you need to do is circle around the area, and wait for it to pop out so you can start hitting it until you eventually kill it.
Now that I have put some significant time into this game I will have to say its the best game I have played on the 360. Its as near to a perfect game that I have seen yet, and should easily be a candidate for GOTY. I just had to get this off my chest, because I felt like the negative issues the reviewer had with this game were way, way off base... but I had to at least play the game enough to see if I could agree/disagree with the review. If anyone likes RPGs, then you need to own this game, or you will be doing yourself a major disservice.
I totally agree, and I think anyone else who has played it would think the same.
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