"MMMBop" - Hanson
Great memories of that song.
I got some good news. I found out something in my government class. My government class is only for one semester while my geography class is a year. I was glad to hear that because my geography is really easy but my geography is giving me a hard time.But until January of next year,The only class I have is geography and it also means,more time here and playing games more. :) I still have to do work from my mom,but her assignments are not hard at all.
In other news,I just finish disc one of devil may cry 2,which is Dante's disc.Now,I'm on Lucia's disc,which is disc 2. Also,I finish Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 as a lot of the characters. I'm going to beat the game as all of the characters.But so far,here are the characters that I used to finish their career modes.
I'm now playing as Bam Margera and maybe,I'll play as Elissa Steamer after Bam.
See you later.
Hi guys. I forgot to mention one more thing on my last blog post and that's this. Since I'm starting to get into books that are from J.R.R Tolkien. Whether it's about wizards,elves,dragons,dwarves or anything relate to the world of Tolkien,Forgotten Realms,Dungeons & Dragons or whatever.
If any of you guys would like to give me some good names of authors or book titles,please do so,because I would sure love to read books like those for my 12th grade school year.
I'm sorry that I didn't do much after my last blog post.My co-op classes is taking my life away from gaming and hanging out here.
First,I started on making a profile on,because I like music,mostly rock music. I don't care for hip-hop,R&B,Pop or any other genre,other than Josh Groban type music. So,if any of you own a MP3 account,please give me some tips like how to add my favorite songs on my profile.I already did favorite artists and albums I own,but I need to know how to add songs ofn my favorite songs list and other things.
Second,I order 2 things in 2 different stores.I reserved the PS2 version of Guitar Hero 3. I also ordered a CD in Borders called Pure Moods. What it is is a compilation of new age music. I first heard fo it on acommercial back in 1997.I was eight and I still remember it. I remember some of the songs way before I ordered the CD. Here is the cover art of the album.
I know like 5 songs on there like Enya's "Orinoco Flow (Sail Away)", the DJ Dado version of the X-files theme and Crockett's theme from Miami Vice. I'm sure you'll what I'm talking about for those who played Vice City. Everyone loves Vice City's soundtrack. Also,have you guys heard about the news about a guitar hero 3 soundtrack that's going to be in music stores?
I also bought a book in Borders and it's one of J.R.R. Tolkein's books.Not the lord of the rings trilogy,but this.
Can you see the title? If not,it's called "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight". It's one of his earlier books.I also finish 3 books in my school year. I finish it like the first book on the 3rd of September,the next was a week later and the last was yesterday.
Doom#2 Hell on Earth (The cover is different,but I read it anyway.)
Tales of the Greek Heroes
That's all I gotta say. See you around.
P.S: I just got started into reading Arabian Nights.
I got a new game yesterday from Ebay and it's a PC game called Neverwinter Nights.
My sister is playing it,while I'm still playing Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 and Devil May Cry 2. Also,I got up to 1405 posts.I'm also close on getting 100 friends and 5000 views.I have to make plans for my profile in the future like uploading videos.I know I'm way past level 10,but I don't have the equipment. I wish I could have those as my christmas present. I'll have to remind my parents about it.
See you later.
Hey guys.I forgot to post my review of the simpsons:hit and run on my blog a few days ago,because I had to wait until I finish battlefront to do that.Here are my reivews for both the PC version of Battlefront and Hit and Run. 8.5 for Hit & Run and 8.0 for Battlefront.
My new game is a compilation on a PC and it's Star Wars: Best of PC.
There are 5 games on there and all of them are the biggest top-selling star wars PC games from the years 2002-2006.
They are
How it works is that one disc will have Empire at War and Knights of the Old Republic and the other disc will included the last 3 games.It also came with a 14 day-trial of the MMORPG game,Star Wars Galaxies.I don't care for that because I don't own online play on my PC.I'll try it out after Hit and Run,BUT I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO PLAY!
First of all,I wanted to show people this for a very long time.My photo of my history project of the history of video games.I made it in my first year of Homeschool in 2004.I don't have it any longer,but I swear to god,that was probably my favorite history project I made before my recent history project of Stan Lee.
Here is the link to it and the link on where I got the infomation from.¤t=HistoryofGaming.jpg
And also,here is my review for lament of innocence.I changed my thoughts about the gameplay,because I was going to mention that the game is lacking the RPG elements to it,but that's like saying that I have played the past castlevania games before.I haven't because this was my first castlevania game I played,so I changed my decimal rating from 7.5 to 8.0.I'm still disappointed by it.
Hi,everyone.I'm still doing some work on my geography and american government groups,but I had time to take a break and make another post.
The first thing to tell is that I'm now leveled up to Level 24."I Feel Asleep!!",whatever that means.
Second,I already finish playing Castlevania:Lament of Innocence and I need help on doing this.Here is my point of view of this game via the old rating system.
I need to know what will the decimal be if the person rating those 5 things the old fashion way.But,I can't figure it out.If any of you can help me on this,send me a comment on here.I already sent a letter about this to blofa,because he helped me out on one occasion when I was making a review for the first devil may cry.But he is in school now,so that's why I'm asking you guys on this.
Once I get the decimal,I'll round it off to the new way of reviewing games,make a review for Lament of Innocence and there it goes. I'll see you guys later,I have to go finish up my work for my co-op groups.
I finally got the emblem for good taste of games.
I found out that Gamestop gave me the wrong disc for Twisted Metal:Black.They didn't give me the original,they gave me the disc of twisted metal black online.I don't have online play,so I'm going to try to switch it when I got to gamestop next.
Also,I got back from co-op and I got a lot of work from my government and geography groups.That means I'll be here less so,because co-op is giving me a hard time.I'll be here whenever I'm making a review,but that's just it.Once I finish all of my work for this week,then I'll come back here more.
See ya.
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