Well so far im eagerly waiting to see what Nintendo delivers at E3, im pretty hyped up for the Wii 2 being powered by something similar to a HD Radeon 4870.TheAcountantManThe Wii 2 will probably use something along the lines of a 4770 instead. Which is still a lot more powerful than a 360 and PS3.
BanMido76's forum posts
Id hate to inform you but the pc cant win. Its not backed by one company and from a gaming sales standpoint its getting stomped.TheSterlsActually PC is kicking butt in sales. It almost makes up half the revenue for the gaming market.
The ECONOMY is not good right now. Give it a few more years. There is nothing to talk about right now maybe in 2 years.There are too many devices to play games on now.The cost of games block busters have gone up too much.PS3 Xbox 360 are both HD. The difference between the TOP PC games and great Console games are not that far apart, yet High end Graphic cards and CPU parts would drive next gen games and the end result would be simular. (not that big of impact visually, when compared)The cost of R&DThe cost of launching the consoleThe loss per console to produceRedsigning the console to bring the cost down...ETC...In 2 years we can speculate about the future launch of the next gen consoles as it will take at least that long for the "stars" to align.better economyCPU/GPUpowerfull enough tomake a difference when comparing games from this gen. Cost to develop/make gamesreduced due to the design of the console/softwarecost of all reasonable with this in mind we need at look at Pentium to todaysI7 cips.That is a long span in time over 10 years.The differences are huge that is the difference we need to see with the next gen consoles.Ravenlore_basicThe economy is not going to get better in 2 years or even 10 years. In fact it's going to get worse in the upcoming years. But that doesn't stop people from buying iPhones and iPads or high price so it won't stop people from buying new consoles.
Because your TV is scaling the picture which usually smooths out some of the jaggies.CorbraMaxYah but it also makes the picture a lot blurrier too.
could not have said it better myself..very true. I love my pc, but my god its awful to try and get things working correctly with it at times..OR even at all. Im not some newb that knows nothing about pcs...Ive been messing with them and building them for over 10 years now. SO if someone like me gets ticked off and frustrated with them, I can only imagine people that just want to plugNplay like consoles.VanDammFanFunny that I have had more problems with consoles than with computers.I've been using both for over 20 years.
=actually no the assassin creed 1 looked bad even on pc. assassin creed 2 looks way better even on consoles than assassin creed 1. there are faaaaaaaaar to many jaggies in assassin creed 1 even when maxedpc-ps360You can force AA on Assassin's creed 1 to get rid of jagged edges. Assassin's Creed 2 was worse with huge pop in problems especially with shadows and vegetation. So Assassin's Creed 1 > Assassin's Creed 2
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