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The Next generation sounds like......

As we wait for the next generation of gaming to really kick off and come to fruition, we certainly are excited for the way enhanced visuals will take us to far off worlds, and envelope our intrigue. Visual artistic merit and complexity are indeed part of why we call them video games, but another large part of our experience seems to go ignored in the Nex-Gen jargon: Sound.

Back when the 16-bit machines were waring for the players hard earned cash, NEC introduced the first home console CD based add-on. While it failed in the US, no one could deny that CD gaming brought a whole new aural experience to gaming: High quality red book audio.

While the Genesis and Super NES introduced us to better and better PCM sound, CDs introduced us to a whole new concept of sound in gaming. The tradition carried on of course by the Saturn, Playstation, and other CD based systems thereafter. But now that we are used to high-quality sound in games, what of the aural experience in the next generation? Have we lost an ear to the other half of gaming?

Now that we have our HDTV to accommodate the visuals of the next generation, lets take a look at our audio systems for a moment.The XBOX 360 gives us a taste in next-gen gaming sound by insisting that all games support Dolby Digital 5.1. While many games have already done this on the XBOX, and Pro Logic II on the PS2, it has never been insisted upon. What this means for us, is a wonderful chance for sound developers to express their ideas for engaging sound and music experiences outside the two-channel range.

What this also means is the need for an upgrade to our stereo. While games will still sound great in two-channel sound, upgrading to a 5.1 digital system means a whole new level of gaming bliss for our ears. Some may say that sound really isn't that important, but I challenge them to play a game of Burnout Revenge with the sound off. No longer do the crashes carry any weight. No longer do we get that rush of hitting nitrous to the sound of our favorite tunes, making our hearts beat faster and faster. Indeed, the experience is neutered by the absence of sound.

Indeed, I too cannot deny my excitement to stunning visual stimuli from the next gen, but without the sound, I may as well grab my etch-a-sketch in turn for gaming.

So I grabbed one.

Despite the horrid launch program, and some questionalble marketing choices, I enjoy my 360. The games I picked up are quality (Save for a free copy of Kameo AKA Rare's pathetic waste of time), and am happy with my purchase. I hope the SNK arcade live games come to the US, and Street Fighter will be fantastic!

Now, give me Dead Rising.

360: Simply the worst Launch in Video Game History.

"We will have a full year head-start on the next generation of gaming!" -Microsoft

No sirs, you do not. It is now 5 months since the "launch" of the XBOX 360, yet no one can actually buy one. The idea is to have product available to the consumer, and the ideals behind a launch is to readily make product flow to consumers.

This is not the case with the 360. One simply cannot walk into a Best Buy, Target, or any other store for that matter and walk home with one in their hands. After weeks of calling Best Buy every day, they finally recieved 8 systems. However, this was not the 360, but the 180 AKA Core system. In other words, there was no way to get a functioning 360 that was worth a damn.

Simply put: if are to buy a XBOX 180, you deserve to get run over by a truck. However, if you like rape, then fine. Not only is Microsoft incapable of actually supplying systems, but the one they do supply is worthless.

Oh, but perhaps I could by a bundle on-line! Yes, with 5 crappy games I have no interest in playing. Even the Atari shortage wasn't this ridiculous. It is simply pathetic and imbarrassing on Microsoft's reputation.

Yep, I know some of you have one. Good, but this is still the most worthless attempt at a launch of a popular product the industry has ever seen.

Time for the 360

Usually, I'm the kind of person who buys a console the day of release (that means in Japan), save for the X BOX, X BOX 360, and Game Cube. Often times there are quality games the day of launch that will keep my busy for a long time. Like the X BOX and Cube, the 360 had little to entice, until now.

I was looking at my list of desirable software:

1. Ridge Racer 6: Love, love, LOVE the series.

2. Condemned: Flawed, but I love the dark stuff.

3. Burnout Revenge: Need I say more?

4. Geometry wars: Robotron on Crack? Yes!!!

5. SF2 Turbo: The best Street Fighter, and one of the best fighters ever made.....on-line!

6. Dead Rising: Beat-em-Up plus Zombies? Count me in!!!

7. 99 Knights: It's Mizuguchi. Nuff said.

So, it is time. Time for a 360 (not the rip-off 180 as Shifty calls it), and some decent gaming. Can't wait to see 1080 i gaming as I play another 285 races, and kick the crud out of folks in SF Turbo.

Life, is good.

Addicted to HD.

Well, after having my HDTV for a little over 3 weeks now, I can officially say that I am addicted. I simply could never, ever go back. I tell you: The first time you see Empire Strikes Back on a Sony XBR with Dolby Digital EX, or play a game of Panzer Dragoon Orta in True 16:9, or for that matter Guilty Gear in HD, you trully understand who wonderful digital entertainment can be. PBS HDTV is truly a new look at educational and engaging TV: simply beautiful.

Yes, so beautiful in fact, that I have been playing through all my fave games just to see thier wonders like new again, and all the SD imperfections HD will bring to your attention  (Wow, that rhymed). New games, old games, not to mention DVDs and LDs. Goodness.

So good in fact, I could see myself putting on the pounds as a result of this new toy. While I know that won't happen, nothing in electronic entertainment could sway me more. To think: Obesity from HDTV (More rhyme, damn I'm good!)

In the end, life is good with my digital entertainment. Now I con look forward to spending moments with me wife and friends watching movies and playing games: in 1080!!!!!

Leave your kid at home!!!!

The thing that perturbs me the most of late, is the conduct and goings-on in movie theaters. Forget talking during a film: I mean people who feel the need to text-message their friend, causing a distraction as the light from the screen interrupts your viewing pleasure. Not to mention  the fact that they find no problem in answering the phone to inform the caller "dude, don't call me. I'm in a movie!"

All this is good and all, but the thing that drives me up the wall the most, the thing that makes one consider mass genocide, is when a grown human being attends a late-night rated "R" show with their screeming 2-5 year old child. Not only do these fine folks invade my movie experience, but they will often let the child run up and down the theater, mumbling some Yugioh drivel.

Why, why, why is there not a law to either:

1. Prevents them from bringing the child in at such a late time, not to mention the rating.

2. Removes them immediately when such an occurance takes place.

3. Have these people removed some society, with a brisk stoning followed by milk and cookies afterwards.

We have one theater here that will not allow childeren under 18 after 6 PM to attend (it's a dollar theater). Good idea? Yes. Perhaps it's a demographic thing, but I see this more often than not, and it truly is irritating.


No Silent Hill Trailer at Underworld Evolution last night! Blah! Guess I'll have to Download it.