When I first had the PS3 and heard about this game, I was as jealous as hell it was only available for the PS4 because I knew this game would be great.
Then one day I was in the store and I saw it for download for the PS3, I thought it was a mistake but I went for it anyway and I WAS IN HEAVEN!
And then earlier this year, I purchased the PS4 and this game was my first Download from the store, I'll never stop playing it....I've tried really hard and have gotten past the first two bosses but the level three guys are relentless after about 30 seconds, you're toast pretty quick if you're not quick at the buttons, which I'm good but I'm not lightning fast.
Bammo....Thank you my friend, I've never turned my back on either SE or GW games but this one, if it didn't bore me, it frustrated the heck out of me and I finally gave in and said "@$&! It!"
Well I can't agree, the third SE game buried this one.
I found this one to be mostly unplayable, the graphics were muddy, the load time in the beginning of the game allowed me enough time to go take a nice healthy dump.
The first two GW games were much more enjoyable to play...as linear as they were.
@ Graphics for the PS4 very disappointing, not as sharp and clear as I hoped.
@ Was shocked when I continued game after loading it that the screen graphics popped up on the screen instead of just appearing.
@ I had high hopes for this game and was looking forward to its release but at the end of the day, my opinion of this game is that's it's a huge disappointment.
For me, the first two GW games were much more enjoyable to play but overall, the SE Series puts this franchise to shame.
@MrGeezer: Well Geezer, you're not gonna know that till you see it now will ya?
Seeing as how we haven't seen an Alien Movie since Ressurection, I deem this movie something special, now the only question that needs to be answered is, does it hold up to some of the better franchise films?
I'm looking forward to this one...I'll go in with low expectations so if it's good, I'll be satisfied, if it sucks or it's not better than A:R, then I won't be surprised or disappointed.
Barracuda54's comments