I really do consider the ORIGINAL TRILOGY the only real Star Wars films out there, they embody what Star Wars represents, the prequels were just okay, out of the three, 'Revenge' was the best one.....
The Force Awakens was good, not great but it was good....Dredcrumb9 brought up an interesting point about Rey and Finn just picking up light sabers and all of a sudden, they are Jedi masters, that was a hard sell plus another surprise I didn't expect that I didn't think was a great idea in the first movie of another Trilogy but it's done so....whatever, I wonder what other shock and awe surprises we're in for.
Sniper games are not for people with no patience, which covers just about everyone here.
If you go in the service, don't become snipers because most of them rely on cunning, tact and patience to get their target.
If you're doubtful, seek out The History Channel and look for programs about snipers, you'll learn it is nowhere near run and gun.
This game was right up my alley, a bit quirky at times but it gets an 8 in my book, I'm on my third go around with it...patience....patience......patience.
Man oh man, To anyone who blew full price on this game, haven't you learned that there is no such thing as a good video game from a movie tie-in? Would NEVER buy a MTI video game no matter how good it is, not worth the money or the risk.
Barracuda54's comments