Thats is NOT true , i can play one level for hours if it provides proper action.Only thing i can imagine is multiplayer in most games , but i hate it because you die so much.I can play Garrys mod maps with 200 combine soldiers in it and dont get frustrated even if i play trough map 10th time.In fact i rather get frustrated if there isnt so many of them , i hate to play svencoop with more than 4 players because maps get finished too quick and too easy for same reason.That quickly becomes boring. Too much excitement and too many enemies causes a player to become burnt out and tired of the game.
You'll never really find a game that does that because its bad game design. At most you'll only have a small segment of a game like that as a method to add variety to the games pacing.
BattleforAzerot's forum posts
I dont know how you feel , but for me most singleplayer FPS games feel bit "easy".What i mean is player progresses trough areas too fast and encounters too few resistance.And if resistance is harder , there is always some means to take care of it in moments , like artillery , MG nest or loads of friendly units.But how about game where you cant get past one area so fast ? There ara loads of enemies , but no artillery , no loads of friends , no "oh that MG42 is here right on time" support ? I often dont use that "magical help" that comes in those spots , but it usually means some **** keeps screaming at you "come on dude , call in artillery" "come on dude , call in artillery" "come on dude , call in artillery"and you cant even shoot him to make him shut up :D
How about "here is a factory full of hundreds of enemies and now take your small arm and deal with them one at a time in your next 3 hours lasting mission" ? Ideal would be if that factory or place would be "open" , which means there no closed doors and you are free to move in any way you want.Which means you have to keep your eyes even more open as fire might and usually will come from every possible corner or from every window.This is how i usually play garrys mod by placing enemies into every possible place and in large quantities , but not large enough so they would kill theyr boddies all the time.You often would have to do a multiple hit and run campaigns or something to get inside different areas.
And i almost forgot , the other thing is that there MUST be a stats for that kind of a mission as i always want to know how far can i reach before i die.And maybe some "extra lives" , which means you can respawn at certain safe zone in limited times if you die :D
Cool idea. Now make it!Bulldog19892
I cant.I just posted what i really care about in games and graphics isnt really part of it.Screw dirext x this and that ;)
So it seems that late games are all about either heavily scripted , but clearly linear stories ? Or loads of multiplayer action ? It seems that its just same old thing repeats itself in more and more shiny uniform than the last one did ? I can not promise you any change in it , but only some simple ideas of how to improve gaming.Many of these ideas might have been used in many games and/or mods already and i do not claim that i figured them all out.I dont even try to play Jesus here , so sorry for that ;) And these ideas are basically all i got.Also forgive me for any spelling errors , english is not my mother language.And by the way , i speak mainly about shoot em up games here.
First i got one little suggestions for singelplayer games.So lets see how vast mayority of games are done , shall we ? Player walks from point A to point B , kills some monsters , sometimes witnesses some neat scripted sequences and then moves on.Then goes and kills some more and so on... But these events always happen very similar way - all the enemy placements are always same , all the levels always same , all sequences same.nothing really is different if you should play again.Just same , same and same.
Nobody likes games being so linear.People same time say that making non linear games is too hard , right ? Well i got a suggestions for you that might help.Its called randomness.Basically what i mean is that most game events and enemy placements are not really events and enemy placements at all.Most of them are POSSIBLE enemy placements and events!Even some map parts can be "possible routlines" not sure deal.What i mean is that in each time level loads , the placements of monsters , items , some sequences are variable in each part of level.Some doorways might be closed while others are open and the other way around.The enemy too by itself can take different kinds of an action each time you play.It may try to recapture your position , it may just wait and defend theyrs.Or it may just ambush you.Or combination of all of them.So this way the game stpps being so linear and repetive.
The other idea is most simple.I want to be able to see how many enemy kills i got.And i mean in singelplayer games.I wish i could see some statistics , well it would simply be cool to count up all the bodies in the end of the game.This is usually only in multiplayer.And not even there always.The point is to see how many and what types of enemies have been killed.Just for fun.
Now the multiplayer.I have to be honest if i was as good game producer i would take the game industry to very different direction.I would send the "super cool graphs" and "very cool physics" stuff to hell.I would make game in very different way and place resources to completely different aspects instead.For a start i would like to say im a HUGE co-op fan and i honestly want make game that is focused on Co-op gaming just like UT and Quake3 were made for multiplayer.How ever i got more complex idea than just : "Make coop oriented games".I got it all figured out and i thought it was cool to share it with you.
So enough with jibby-jabby and lets take a look inside my idea.The whole story of game is very simple - there is no story.And no need for one (i´ll come back to this part latter).All there is , is a large well designed levels and loads of ultra smart enemies.The fun begins when you discover that enemy forces are not just bunch of separate troops who only know how to take cover.Im talking about whole chain of command here.I mean that hole enemy forces will now work as one large machine.And thereforce they will place its units depending on needs and situation.They also would then have higher ranked troopers as leaders.The point here is that they now are able to call in backup , retreat , counter attack , ambush , diverse attack and so on.Simple words , he is able to advance and retreat like a real army.I know that making such game almost certainly mean not having cool cut scenes and latest graphics.But who cares ?
So now you got ultra smart enemy , loads of players , large leves.Make an objectives.wait... dont make ones... Better idead would be this - divide world into an areas.All of the areas neither act as resuply centers , provide reinforcemens , act as shortcuts to other areas and so on.The point is these areas have point.Now combine all that with Supercool AI controlled enemy and its constant actions and reactions against players and you got youself a story.Because each time someone calls in help , you and your buddies go to (re)capture a checkpoint or enemy makes a strong actions the story of a "storyless" game evolves.Also - the only mission objectives are the ones that you make yourself.Neither you stick with other people or go on alone is up to you.And the only objective is to destroy enemy.How to do it , is players problem.
Now thats a game i would love to play.Especially because we dont have really any coop oriented games and im HUGE coop fan.And even if it means having a very rubish graphics and not so cool physics engine it woulnt matter.After all , the reason why people play things is fun.Pure fun.So rather nice innovative "pick and play" game rather than another shiny but very short singelplayer story.After all , do you even think why people still play old games like Doom 2 or Half-Life ? Well , they dont complaing about graphics dont they ? You can take my idea as "advanced chess game in 3D" if you want to ;)
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