@s_h_a_d_o @Bayonetta2013 I don't want to read more about her. If she's so hot and bothered that the gaming industry doesn't focus on stories or doesn't have emotional choices or stories as much as she'd like then hell, she should do something about it and MAKE A GOOD STORY. It's simple, really.
@csward You forgot that convenient detail called, "Final Fantasy Type-0." Probably the most "mature" game of the series, and I'm not referring to the presence of so much blood.
I thought Pratchett was Tomb Raider's writer. Anyways. This lady sounds like a bitch who didn't get paid enough. Sorry, ma'am, but you forgot about pretty much every other frickin' genre BESIDES FPS games...you want moral decisions? Then take a damn look around and realize that not every game is all about shooting: Telltale's The Walking Dead for example. Ask them for a job. There is a difference between movies and games, and we want to INTERACT with games.
@Angelsoft717 Kingdom Hearts III is on the to-do list AFTER Versus XIII. Do people ever research before they comment? Square Enix has stated this before.
@sexyeyes79 @Bayonetta2013 I never had a problem with SotC's camera, strangely. At first the axis were inverted, but once I tweaked that, I thought the camera was fine.
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