Bdking57's forum posts
OMG.... Atlus is untouchable king of JRPGs, this is so far beyond Final Fantasy in difficulty and battle systems... it makes turn based fighting extremely challenging. I only wish they would move to xbox 360. They are still producing for PS2, because much of the atlus fanbase has been split in the next gen. They are way to specialized for casual players so you need to have a broad accesability.... I have my PS2 still just to play atlus games, own 8 and not one other PS2 game.. never even bought a non Atlus PS2 game.
The games artstyle makes it look alot better then lost odyssey, which i havent been able to play more then a few hours of.
My connection is perfect.... its clearly the game, im talking about the game being out of sync by over a full second quite often.. its readily apparent on the replays....
And agreeing with whats posted above, this game has tons of other broken unbalanced features, jugranaut and martydom causing grenades to go everywhere.. the amount of players allowed in team death match is too many.
This thread failed right from the get go.
what is the cost to have someone install all that stuff in my tower, where is the cost of windows and other non pirated unliscensced operating programs that are user friendly?
Ok lets start everything from scracth assuming you have absolutely nothing and we are going to make NO compromises in the cost of anything.We are also gonna make a high end PC this time with good periperals as well.And the same for the PS3 as everything that needs to be bought to fully make use of it gaming wise will be bought.
Samsung DVD burner
Mid-Tower good looking computer case
250GB 7200RPM HDD
Samsung 22" LCD monitor
Corsair VX 450W PSU This PSU will EASILY power this PC.If you dont believe then just make a topic in the hardware forum.It is a high quality power supply
5.1 surround speakers
Logitech multimedia keyboard
Logitech gaming mouse
Logitech wireless gamepad with rumble
Corsair 4GB DDR2 800Mhz RAM (it is 2GB but buying two of these will give you 4GB)
Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3L motherboard
Intel Quad Core processor
Windows Vista home premium 64-bit
8800GTS 512MB with a free copy of witcher
80GB PS3
Samsung 22" 720p HDTV
Sony HDMI cable
3xDual shock 3 controller (4 player split screen anyone?)
5.1 surround speakers
Logitech USB gaming mouse
Logitech USB keyboard
So there we have it.The PC setup literally destorys the PS3 setup for less money and will provide a MUCH SUPERIOR experience.It is 2 generarions ahead in terms of gaming performance and will last a very very long time.It has all the goodies to make your gaming experience a dream.
In order to fully utilize the PS3 you have to buy a HDTV as with a monitor you will be playing in an upscaled res.You also need all those controllers for the highly touted split screen abilities of a console.The PS3 has support for keyboard and mouse so that is also to be bought to have the option of playing games with a keyboardmouse which have support for them.
I guess all those people who say that PC gaming is expensive are royally OWNED.This is a HIGH END PC with high end periperals as well and it costs less than the requirement of HD console gaming which isnt all that HD anyways.
This thread is NOT about which system has better games so please dont post any garbage if you dont have anything useful to say.
We cannot use the monitor with the PS3 cuz it will give an upscaled image all the time.Who the hell want to do that.You have to buy that HDTV in order to play in native resolution.Please dont even try to arguethis.
People.. first of all, why didnt nintendo release the Wii with a modern graphics engine and motion controls?.. because the price would have been on par with the PS3 and they would have gone out of business by now.. they had no other choice but to beef up their capital with the gimmick that is wii... I bough one on day 1.. waited in line at 5AM, nintendo made big promises of advanced online play and connectivity but they have delivered in a half ass sort of way... failed to update the games like xbox live, and they are just milking a cash cows that is inviting to parents at its low cost and family oriented game style.. its a toy, not a serious gaming machine.... What is the point of hardcore serious gaming? to create something that is inviting to someone who has never used it before, but creates vast layers for advanced gamers to gain skills.. the wii eliminates that aspect but turning games into this waving your arms in the air nonsense. MS motion contoller look looks like it appeals to the hardcore where waving a magic wand around doesnt create a random perfect action by chance.
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