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Hello? Is It Me You're Looking For?

^title? a song title i heard on whose line is it anyway? by Lionel Richie

Anyways, just checking in with everyone and asking what you thought of my last script. there were no comments on it, i was just wondering if i should take a different direction with it or keep it like it is. i personally felt it needed a twist. if you hadn't remembered when Kevin asked about her parents she said she didn't feel comfortable talking about it. this was one of the ideas i came up with to explain that.

In other news, I finally got around to watching the series premiere of the secret of an american teenager, b/c i was away, and i saw firewire, and yelled FIREWIRE, and my sister was like "yeah Becky, way to go." she thinks she is sooo smart b/c she saw it before i did, but i was like "whatever." But he actually got a new deal, talking about the secret lives of american teenagers. i thought it was a good show, but my mom was like, what is this do you guys really talk about this? and i just sorta ignored her, but whatever. what did you think about it?

Quote: "Thou shouldst eat to live; not live to eat." -Socrates

Personally, I think I apply to this rule, anyone else?


script number 9

So here it is, the next part of the script. The next few parts are pretty intense. I hope you enjoy this script, it is fairly short compared to others. Please comment! (i am too lazy to find a quote for this post.)

Scene 12

(the next day in Rebecca and Elyssa's dorm room)

Rebecca: Hey, I'm going to the library. Wanna come?

Elyssa: Yeah sure. Hang on.

(Elyssa gathers her books and they head out. As they are walking to the library a girl walks up to them)

girl: Hey, are you Rebecca?

Rebecca: Yeah, why?

girl: Stay away from Kevin. Or else.

Rebecca: Or else what?

girl: (uncertainly) um... (meaner) payback. (she walks away)

Elyssa: That was weird.

Rebecca: Yeah.

Elyssa: I wonder who that was...

Rebecca: (remembering) It was probably Carly.

Elyssa: Who?

Rebecca: Kevin's ex-girlfriend. She probably thinks he broke up with her to go out with me.

Elyssa: (raises her eyebrows)

Rebecca: (sees it) What?

Elyssa: So you're going out now?

Rebecca: That's not...You know what I mean.

Elyssa: Oh yes, yes I do.

Rebecca: Shut up. We're here so shhh. Or we'll get yelled at.

Elyssa: Ok, ok.

Rebecca: (whispering) There's a table over there. (she points to an empty table near the back of the library)

(Elyssa and Rebecca walk to the empty table and pull out their books. They start studying when Rebecca's phone vibrates)

Elyssa: Who is it? What does it say?

(Rebecca looks at her phone and opens it. She texts something back and doesn't say a word)

Elyssa: Who was it?

(Rebecca doesn't acknowledge Elyssa and looks distant)

Elyssa: Rebecca? Are you okay? Rebecca?

Rebecca: (is snapped out of it) Oh, sorry. What?

Elyssa: Are you okay?

Rebecca: Oh, um, yeah. (sounding unsure)

Elyssa: Would you tell me if it was bad?

Rebecca: I'm sorry. I just don't want to talk about it right now.

Elyssa: (about to speak when Rebecca's phone vibrates again)

Rebecca: I'll be right back.

Elyssa: Okay.

(Rebecca walks out of the library and dials a number)

Rebecca: Mom, what's wrong?

(voice): Honey ,everything's fine. I am just in the E.R.

Rebecca: What? Mom, what did he do to you this time?

(voice): Nothing. He just accidentally hit me in my eye. I'm fine. I just wanted to call you to not worry about me if you called.

Rebecca: Mom. (almost crying and getting really upset) Are you serious right now? This is not the first time he's done this. You need to leave him before it gets worse.

(voice): No. We've had this conversation before and I told you no. He loves me and I love him.

Rebecca: No, you don't mom, you just think you do. He is manipulating you.

(voice): We are not having this conversation now. Come home this weekend and we can talk about it.

Rebecca: Is Rick going to be there?

(voice): Of course.

Rebecca: Then no. I won't come until he is gone. (silence) Mom? Mom? (she hangs up) Whatever.

(she walks back into the library and to her table lost in thought)


okay, i lied

Okay, as you probably noticed i did lie about when i was going to post my script. I might post it tomorrow b/c I will be here almost all day. I get back from driver's ed about 9:15 so I will type up the script and post it.

Quote: "Good habits result from resisting temptation" -Unknown


I'm Back!!!!

Hey everyone! I am finally back from camp and I had a wonderful time. I have a lot to catch up on and I also noticed I have over 1000 profile views! Yay! I will try to catch up tonight but I am really tired so expect more from me later! I have finished the next part of the script so expect it tomorrow or Sunday!


camp 2

Okay guys, I'm leaving tomorrow for camp. I probably won't be on tomorrow so I'll say goodbye now. I'll talk to ya'll next Saturday!

Quote: "Love is the triumph of imagination over intelligence." -H. L. Mencken



Is anyone else as tired as me? I feel so slow today. I usually type really fast but I have been on slo mo all day. It's probably b/c I had to get up early this morning. But maybe it's b/c I'm stressed out today. I don't even know why I am so stressed out.

Quote: "Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence in society." -Mark Twain



Okay. So I'm actually going away to camp on Sunday and I won't be back until next Friday. I will still be on until Saturday, or possibly Sunday morning. I will have so much to catch up on when I get back.

As for my script...I don't know. I started the next part but there isn't enough to post yet. I sense some drama coming...Maybe it will be up after I get back or before I go. Who knows.

Quote: "Good habits result from resisting temptation" -Unknown


Post 35

Hey everyone! It was weird, this morning when I turned my computer on this morning, for some reason all my blogs were gone. Then I came back later and they were back, so I don't know what was up with that.

Anyway, just wanted to remind everyone I have posted the next part of my script two blogs down, number 8. So far I haven't gotten any comments; I'm assuming that no one has seen the script and that's why or what. But please read it and comment!

As for the next part, I honestly have no idea. I might get bored the next few days and write it, I don't know. I will try to get it soon. I will update you later about my plans.

How's everyone today? I am always willing to talk!

Quote: "Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain but it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving." -Benjamin Franklin

-Becky :)

going out for the day

Hey everyone! I'm heading out for the day. I have a 5 hour course to attend to to achieve my license. I feel awesomely excited about it. NOT. Don't forget to read my script in the blog below. Comment on it and I'll be back tomorrow! See ya!


script number 8

Here is the next part of the script! Comment and enjoy!

Quote: "I've learned ... that life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer it gets to the end, the faster it goes." -Andy Rooney

Scene 11

Kevin: (when they had finished) Dude that was awesome!

Nick: Yeah, what are the chords for that so I can write them down.

Kevin: Um, hang on. D minor...(they keep working on it for about an hour)

Joe Hey, you guys want to go to the dining hall?

Nick: Yeah, I'm starving. (he looks at the clock) It's 6:30, let's go!

Kevin: Hang on, let me get my shoes on.

(Joe and Kevin grab their phones and head out the door with Nick. On their way to the dining hall Joe's phone rings and they stop walking)

Joe: (answers it) Hello? Hey dad...I'm here with them now...Let me put you on speaker. (he hits a button)

(voice on phone): Hey guys! How's it going?

Nick: Great dad!

(voice): Cool. Well I have some good news for you guys.

Kevin: What is it?

(voice): I got you guys a gig for when you come home for the weekend.

Joe: Awesome, what day?

(voice): It's on Saturday at the café downtown.

Nick: Cool. We've tried to work on some new stuff. We just finished one about 5 minutes ago.

(voice): You should play it for me.

Kevin: We'll call you back in a while. We still haven't had dinner yet.

(voice): Okay. I'll talk to you later.

Joe, Kevin, and Nick: Bye. (Joe hangs up)

Joe: This is awesome!

Nick: Yeah I can't wait. I think Dad will like out new song.

Kevin: He probably will, but let's not stand here, I'm really hungry.

Nick: Me too. Let's go.

(They start walking again and soon reach the dining hall)

Joe: What's for dinner tonight?

Kevin: Um, let's see...It looks like an Italian buffet.

Nick: Cool, let's go.

(They get food and sit down to eat)

Kevin: Hey Joe.

Joe: Yeah Kevin.

Kevin: What movie are we going to take the girls to?

Joe: That's a good question. Um, how about...

Nick: (interrupts Joe) Woah, Woah, Woah. What is this about girls and a movie?

Kevin: We're going to the movies with a couple of girls tomorrow night.

Nick: How did you get a date already?! You just transferred here! I've been here all year and only got one!

Kevin: That's because I have skills with the ladies. (Kevin brushes off his shoulder)

(Nick lightly shoves Kevin)

Kevin: Hey!

Nick: That's what you get. So how do you know them?

Joe: Well my date is one of the girls in some of my dance cla sses and Kevin met his in a couple of his movie cla sses.

Kevin: What we didn't know was that they are roommates, but they didn't know we knew each other, let alone are related.

Nick: Wow, long story.

Kevin: Yeah, oh well. So what were you going to say before Nick rudely interrupted you. (Nick shoves Kevin again)

Joe: I was thinking about a comedy, um, I don't know. Nick made me forget.

Kevin: Nice job Nick.

Nick: Oh be quiet. How about Get Smart. I heard it was good.

Joe: Sounds cool.

(They continue eating, then head outside)

Kevin: (looks at his watch) Oh look at the time, we better call Dad when we get back.

(they all head back to Kevin and Joe's dorm. Kevin unlocks the door and takes out his phone. He dials a number then picks up his guitar as Joe does the same.)

Kevin: Hey Dad! You ready?...Good, let me put you on speaker. (he hits a button)...Ready?

(voice): Yep.

Joe: Okay, 1, 2, 3, 4...

(They start playing and Nick begins to sing.)

(voice): (when they had finished) Boys, that was really terrific.

Nick: Thanks Dad.

(voice): You boys keep up the good work. I'll see you on Saturday.

Nick, Joe, and Kevin: Bye. (Kevin hangs up)

Nick: (looks at the clock) Woah. I better get going.

Joe: Okay, man, see ya later.

Kevin: See ya.

Nick: Bye. (He leaves)

Kevin: We better get some work done.

Joe: Yeah, I have some killer moves to work on for cla ss next week.

(Kevin goes to his desk and takes out his books)

Joe: You don't mind if I play the music, do you?

Kevin: Nah, it's cool. Just not too loud.

Joe: Got it.

(Joe practices his dance steps while Kevin studies. A few hours later they both turn in for the night)
