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BelmontV Blog

New Blog Post #1; Fixed My Computer, and I'm Back!!

Hey everyone!! It's BelmontV with some pretty awesome news! I finally fixed my computer and have decided to continue my blog and finally update a lot of stuff here, as I said in my last blog post (which is extremely outdated, I'm not gonna even go there) I got a PS3 and have played a bunch of games since I've been gone, these include (but aren't limited to): Valkyria Chronicles, Bayonetta, Final Fantasy XIII, 3D Dot Game Heroes, Demon Souls, God of War I & II (never played them on the PS2, I know, big fail on my part), Borderlands, Dragon Age: Origins, Assasin's Creed II, Fallout 3, Super Street Fighter IV, Fat Princess, Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger, and many more.

And I have a lot of updates and reviews I want to write, this time with an organized timetable so I ACTUALLY WRITE THESE REVIEWS and don't slack off as I did in the past jaja, saying this, I'm cancelling all past projects till further notice, thought later (and by later I mean light years into the future) I would like to do some sort of retro gaming reviews and blog posts regarding some good o'l blast from the past titles (both hidden gems and well known titles).

But don't think I've been lazy on my PSP gaming either, I've been checking out a couple of titles as well: Monster Hunters Freedom Unite, Final Fantasy: Dissidia, I replayed FF 1, FF 2 and also checked out the re-make of one of my favorite Tactic/RPG's FF: Tactics (The Lion Wars). I also went ahead and got into: Disgaea, Tales of Eternia, and many other RPG's and Adventure titles.

Lately I've been checking out Valkyria Chronicles 2, a sequel to the incredible "Valkyria Chronicles" for PS3. As many reviewers have stated, lots of fans were dissapointed with the announcement that the sequel would be slimmed down for the PSP, but I have to say from my experience so far with the game that it's not a slim down at all, my only negative comment of the game so far is that the "sniper" job was taken out, but the inclussion of the armored tech job sort of makes up for it, opening many possibilities in regards to approaching the game in new ways (thought I still highly miss the sniper job). Overall for now, the game is incredible and I look forward to writing a review on it and sharing my full thoughts on the title.

Valkyria Chronicles 2

I plan to do a review of the game later this month, thought I wanna finish various of the misssions I'm playing through to give you all the best review I can on it, I've stopped playing all the other titles I was playing to focus on this game for now. I have many news on the Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep game (and I mean a LOT), but I'l post about that later this weekend.

For now here's my list of reviews I plan to have posted this month

-------------GAME--------------------------->DEADLINE FOR REVIEW!

1) Cuboid (Mini Review) ------------------->(September 4, 2010)

2) BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger-------------->(September 6, 2010)

3) Super Stardust HD (Mini Review)------>(September 10, 2010)

3) Lumines--------------------------------------->(September 12, 2010)

4) Valkyria Chronicles 2 ------------------->(September 21, 2010)

I've organized it so I have "mini reviews" (based on PlayStation Store small games or other games I consider that fall into this category) every now and then (between normal reviews) and every week or so I shall release a one to two reviews on PS3, PSP, or Wii games. I really wanna do the "Retro Gaming" review thing and will hopefully get to it in the future, but for now that's totally on hold (I wanna take things step by step), it's great to be back on GameSpot and you can all usually find me on the PS3 or PSP forums (and occassionally on the Wii forums as well), message me anytime I'l reply as soon as I can!

See you all later!!


Blog Post #23; Purchasing PS3 and Laptop Computer!

Lately I've been checking what system console (besides my Wii) I should buy, I mean the Wii is a great console, but since my Xbox 360 broke I've really been itchin to play more hardcore titles out there (especially those such as Uncharted 2, Modern Warfare 2, etc.) that appeal to my gaming taste (shooters, etc.) The Wii's fun for old NES, SNES, etc. games on the Virtual Console & other great titles, but it just doesn't all the game titles (or genres) I'm looking for. So this time I've decided to purchase a PS3! Basically I'm buying this because it offers free online gameplay, has blue-ray dvd compatibility, and because FINAL FANTASY VERSUS XIII is exclusive to this console (I'm obsessed with FF, its my favorite series). I'll probably have enough money to get the system around November-December, hopefully, then I'l start purchasing some game titles (and I'l be checking reviews, comments, and the forums to see what games I should purchase first!

I also have future plans to obtain a laptop (it would come in handy, using a desktop all the time can get irritating), but I can't be completely sure about this, I'm doing some research to see what affordable laptops (with good graphics card, memory, etc.) I can purchase, I'l have more news on this later on!

Blog Post #22; Wii Game Wishlist!!

Okay so I've been making up a list of Wii games I plan to buy in the future! Thought I'm pretty entertained right now, I happen to know there are wayyy too many (and pardon my french) crappy 3rd party developed games for the Wii, so I'm just issuing a list of games I have in mind to buy in the future (if you have any good suggestions leave them in the comments or send me a message), okay so this is what I plan to buy:

-Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles

-Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition (again, my old copy broke)

-Geometric Wars: Galaxies
-Fire Emblem: Radient Dawn (been looking forward to this one)

-Okami (I lost my original copy of the game)


Well I don't know if any of you have noticed, but lately I've been playing a LOT of Metroid games. To be honest I never was THAT into the series, but recently I bought "Metroid Prime: Trilogy" (I had never played any of the Prime games for the gamecube or Wii) and I simply fell in love with the series. I had bough "Metroid" and "Super Metroid" for the Virutal Console on my Wii and I started playing them again, I went ahead and bought "Metroid: Fusion" from a friend of mine (and "Metroid: Zero Mission) and started playing all these games!

So now I'm focusing on playing this series so when "Metroid: The Other M" comes out I have the storyline memorized and am fully ready to play it! Now I have to mention there is ONE Metroid title that has escaped my grasp, and that would be "Metroid 2: Return of Samus" for the original GameBoy. I have the means of playing it (emulators, which I won't discuss here since its against the regulations), but from what I've read it doesn't fully capture the feeling of what Metroid games are. I've also yet to play "Metroid Prime Hunters", so when I fix my DS I'l buy it and check it out as well.

So that's all for now, I'l keep you all posted, here's something cool I wanted to share with all of you, its a timeline (order upon which the Metroid games take place), so here it is.

Metroid Timeline

See you all soon!


Blog Post #20; Its Been a Long Time.....

Well I've finally logged in after so long, and to be honest, I have a lot to update. First off I won't be doing the reviews I promised so long ago I would complete, instead I'l be writing reviews for games that I've played recently or I find inspire me to write a review (and I won't state when I'l write the reviews), thats another thing, I'm really busy and can't log in every day to update everything, so instead I'l try to keep everything nice and tidy until I can comeback and become more integrated in the forums and the site's community itself.

I'l be leaving someunions I'm part of and I deleted all the messages people had sent me (I just couldn't read them all), so if you have a message you sent me, send it again if its important. I'l still be around more often than before and won't disappear for months like last time, so for now just keep me posted and I'l get back to you when I've written a review, or such.


I've Finally Returned.....96 messages :(

I've seriously returned, there won't be any reviews posted for a while (maybe in the future, I'm pretty busy), I've deleted ALL messages in my inbox, so if you sent anything to me during the time period I was gone, send it to me again (I shall read them as of this post).

It's great to be back, more news, I'm going to be reviewing Xbox 360 (when I begin reviewing games again) games now that I'm going to purchase the console. I was able to fix my PS2, so I can review titles such as FFXII and others that I want to re-play.

Midterms are over, so I'm free (but I have limited access to the internet so don't expect me to login every single day), but its really great to be back. To the unions and clans I belong to, sorry for being so inactive for so long, I will try to be more active.

Glad to be back, Sincerely:


Sorry For The Delay, Also: Going to Introduce a New Feature!!

Well first of all, sorry for the delay in the reviews, don't worry, I know I take a long time in making them, but once they're finished they're really long, and really in-depth, so all of you won't be disappointed. Second, I'm going to launch my website soon, but that's later on.

I have a LOT of projects I'm working on, I like to release various projects at the same time, so when I'm finished, I'l have a large amount of reviews, blogs, and updates to launch.

The release date for my first Project Conclusions will be around August 3-9, so I hope you guys are looking forward to it!



I've Officially Returned

After a long leave of absence I've returned, expect the following updates to take place starting today to the end of this week:

-New Reviews Detailing games listed below.

-I'l be active soon in the following forums: "Wii", "DS", sometimes "PSP", and other forums soon.

-I will be visiting Union forums (of those that I belong to) to see what activity is going on.

-All messages sent to me (that have not been answered) will be answered ASAP.

-New blog posts detailing my opinion on E3 game coverage will take place.


Here's a list of game reviews I plan to write (these will be written with careful calculation and accuracy, the order in which I will write them is from start to bottom):

-"FFTA2: Grimoire of the Rift" (for DS)

-"Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin" (for DS)

-"The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess" (for Wii)

-"Final Fantasy X" (for PS2)

-"Final Fantasy X-2" (for PS2)

-"Final Fantasy Tactics" (for PS1)


These games will be reviewed by me, expect them to be reviewed starting now to mid-August. There are many other games that I will review but these are the one's that I wish to review first.


Also: Thanks to all the useful support from all my friends here on GameSpot.






 Don't forget that I promised to review "Oracle of Ages" and "Oracle of Seasons", and write a guide for FFTA2 (not a walkthrough thought), I haven't forgotten about these, expect these projects to be completed soon ;) 

Remembering Old Zelda Titles.....

Well, in this blog post I want to talk about my two favorite handheld Zelda titles: "The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons" and "The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages" (both for GBC). These two games really amazed me (I was around my early teens). The reason I loved these games so much is that they brought with them a sort of "magic" feeling (the feeling you get when you're playing a revolutionary game that sends good chills down your spine). The game brought with it the awesome graphics of "The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past" (for SNES), an amazing soundtrack (and sound effects), and a storyline combination (that affected both worlds in the game).

The games brought a sort of password-system that you got a password in one of the two games to input it in the other one, each password unlocked new features, be it: new items/accesories, weapon or item upgrades, or storyline additions (if you pass both games you can battle Ganon in one of them). It also introduced a new system to customize Link with "rings". These rings where found at different locations, in dungeon chests, worldmap secret locations, and such, equipping rings (Link can equip only one at a time) gave him special abilities (not REQUIRED to complete the game, but they were useful and provided aid in doing so).

But the most ABSOLUTELY AMAZING thing about this game was (and still is for me): it was portable. I didn't have to turn off the system to leave my house, or to go someplace else, I could just take it with me. The other great feature was that it was TWO games (which interacted with each other). Now the first of these two games that I played was "The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of SEASONS", I really enjoyed the gameplay in both games (by the way, both game's storyline's, bosses, etc, are completely different), but the storyline of "The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of AGES" was more enjoyable in my opinion.

In the end, I just have to say that these games have been lost in my collection (and I can't find my GBC), so what I plan (or am going to TRY to) do is buy the games again (hopefully GameStop is still selling them, used of course), obtain a GBC (I already know where and how) and play the games all over again (and seriously, the 2-d handheld Link titles are better than the new 3d title for DS, sorry thats my opinion). Then in the future (far away) I will write reviews for these two amazing games.

Wish me luck! Sincerely:


The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Season (for GBC)


Some of you may notice that I'm a bit innactive in the forums lately, this is due to the fact that I'm a bit busy with some things (but will continue to write in my blog and visit the forums sometimes). I will be more active when I can and when I find it necessary. Also, the guides/reviews that I've promised to write will have to be delayed for a while (quite a LONG while), but everything arrives when it arrives.

So sorry for all the delays but I have a lot of things to do (I will continue writing in my blog and hopefully messaging with all my GameSpot friends).

Thanks for your patience!

Still Playing FF Tactics A2

I'm still playing "FF Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift" (for DS), and I really have to say that after playing for 28+ hours, I'm still not even a bit bored/tired of it's amazing gameplay. This is a game that I really love, but unlike other game's, I'm planning on writing a guide for this one. It won't be a full walkthrough (that's all I'm going to say), but I plan to upload a guide for this game soon (can't promise when thought).

I will edit/update this post as soon as I've uploaded the guide (or FAQ), wish me luck!



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