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Benevolentbob Blog

Best Xbox Gaming Ever.

The followinga re what I consider to be the best games available for an Xbox entertainment system, this includes the original Xbox along with the Xbox 360. 1 is my favorite but 10 is still awesome. This will be the end of my Best Of series unless i Decide to do a handheld version, in which case that, will be the last one.

1. Bioshock

2. Halo 3

3. Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic

4. The Orange Box

5. Lost Odyseey

6. Halo: Combat Evolved

7. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion-GOTY Edition

8. Halo 2

9. Mass Effect

10. Fable

Best Playstation Gaming Ever.

This si all what I consider tob e the best gaming available on a Playstation platform available, this includes PS1, PS2, and PS3. 1 is the best and 10 is still awesome. Check back tomorrow for Best Xbox Gaming Ever.

1. Final Fantasy X

2. Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance

3. Ico

4. Grand Theft Auto III

5. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

6. Shadow of The Colossus

7. Final Fantasy VII

8. Metal Gear Solid

9. Chrono Cross

10. Resistance: Fall of Man

Oh and by the way...


Best Nintendo Gaming Ever

These are what I consider the best games for a Nintendo system, 1 being my favorite and 10 still being awesome. Check back soon for Best Playstation Gaming Ever.

1. Super Mario Galaxy

2. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

3. Super Smash Bros. Brawl

4. Super Smash Bros. Melee

5. Super Mario World

6. Super Mario 64

7. Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt

8. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

9. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

10. Starfox 64

Best PC Gaming Ever.

I've decided to compose a list of what I think are the top 10 PC games to play, 1 being my favorite and 10 still being awesome. Check back soon for my Best Nintendo Gaming Ever.

1. World Of Warcraft (Including expansion.)

2. The Orange Box

3. Counter Strike: Source

4. Warcraft III (Including expansion.)

5. Starcraft (Including expansion.)

6. Battlefield Vietnam

7. Warcraft II (Including expansion.)

8. Battlefield: 1942 (Including expansions.)

9. Battlefield 2 (Inclduing expansions.)

10. The Sims (Includes all expansion packs and The Sims 2 along with its expansion packs.)

New Mario Kart Double Dash Review/Starfox64 Review Rewritten!

With Mario Kart Wii coming around the corner, I decided to put up a review of Mario Kart: Double Dash! for the Gamecube. I know I had a bunch of fun and good times with that game, and I hope you guys did too. Starfox 64, as some of you may already know, is one of my favorite games. I already had a review up about it, but I felt it didn't do the game justic so I've rewritten the review, I hope you guys check it out along with my Mario Kart review. Who has Mario Kart Wii pre-ordered?

Mario Kart: Double Dash! Review.

Starfox 64 Rewritten Review.

Catching up on old gaming.

So, as some of you may know, the Nintendo 64 is my favorite console. I recently decided to pick up some games that I played and loved in the N64 era, but never had the money to buy all the ones I wanted because I was young and relying on allowance. The first two I bought were Donkey Kong 64 and Banjo Kazooie. The next two on my list, and probably the last two, are Banjo Tooie and Yoshi's Story. I had so much fun with these games, I just never had the money :x. I actually brought out my N64 and played some Starfox 64, South Park, Super Smash Bros, and Super Mario 64, all of them are still awesome, and my neighbor/best friend agrees. Oh, in other retro gaming purchases news I also bought Metal Gear Solid for Playstation. I considered getting Twin Snakes, but after hearing that the original Playstation version is superior in terms of game play I decided to go with that version, well, and it was $15 cheaper. So ya, I'll be playing that on my 60gb Playstation 3, once again proving that paying the extra money for full BC was totally worth it.

I'm back!

Hey everyone, long time no see! I'm back from building homes in Mexico. It was the hardest worksite in years, our tents blew away, and half the group got the flu, but it was still worth it!

I'm pretty tired and beat up. I got hit in the shin by the recoil of a pickaxe, got cut up by chicken wire, and my entire left arm is bruised thanks to the concrete bucket brigade. It really is a great trip though, and I recommend it to everyone even if they're not religious.

Well, after being home for a little while and relaxing, I decided it was time to put in my pre-orders. I now have Metal Gear Solid 4, Grand Theft Auto IV, and Mario Kart Wii all on pre-order, along with a copy of Starfox Assault coming. Ya, I'm pretty sure I have gaming covered for a while. Oh, and I got my sister a horse game for the Wii she wanted for her birthday, looks like a bad game but she wanted it so whatever. What has everyone else been up to?

Just before I leave....

I have two reviews up. One is my new one on Resident Evil 4 for the Gamecube. My other review is my unfortunately controversial review of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas that I have recently rewritten. I especially request that everyone take the time to read and recommend/not recommend the review, as I think a lot of people have given it unhelpful votes because of blind fanboyism, and most people that gave it an unhelpful vote probably didn't even read it. Of course I'd appreciate it if you read through my Resident Evil 4 review as well. Oh, and I ordered a new copy of War of The Monsters for Playstation 2, for those of you who've heard of it. Everyone have a great week, and if you don't see me by late enxt Sunday please come rescue me from Mexican prison!

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Review.

Resident Evil 4 Review.

Gonna be gone for a while.

Well guys, spring break is rolling around. I'll be leaving for Mexico on Sunday with my church to go and build houses for those in need. I won't be back until late next Saturday. Until then, I hope you all have a great spring break!

More game collecting. Edit: MGS2 Review Rewritten!

I have to stop spending money on games, seriously. Anyway, I recently bought Ico for the Playstation 2 and Killer 7 for the Gamecube through Of course, I also added soem DVDs to my collection, I wouldn't want it to get jealous now woould I? I added on South Park-The Complete Eighth Season and Metalocalypse-Season 1. I should be expecting the packages late this week or next, but I'll be gone enxt week so maybe I'll have a nice surprise to come home to. Anyone else make random impulse purchases recently to make me feel better about my own :P?

Edit: On another note, my review of Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance has been rewritten to meet my new standard of reviewing. You can find it here.