@dogfather76 Sometimes it is about finding the right community. In BF3 and 4 I was fortunate enough to find a community that, internally, focused on acceptance of individuals of varied origin, beliefs, and ideals.
Externally, they enforced civil interactions between players. This has had the effect of making the servers a comparatively more civil environment, making multiplayer rather enjoyable.
I honestly don't think I'd play these games as much as I do if I didn't find a great group of people to play it with, I hope you both find that group that makes it fun to play multiplayer :).
@jimdove2 @Berkut4796 Fair enough reason to watch the show mate. Jess does a good job of making the new entertaining and Ed does good work with the camera. Overall, the news is well edited and created, if it wasn't it wouldn't be nearly as interesting to watch.
I definitely thing the LAW has some great uses, especially when you have a team of engineers attacking a target, the combined attack can make short work out of a vehicle.
However, I the fact that the Law always comes down on top reduces it's effectiveness when you are fighting a tank and you have no support (which happens more often then not). It takes a lot of shots from the top to stop an MBT (or a lot of other vehicles), giving the tank a lot of time to find and kill you. There have even been times that I have failed to kill a vehicle after successfully hitting it with 3-5 LAW shots.
Therefore, I have found myself using the RPG as of late. The lack of tracking does make it harder to hit a vehicle (though the LAW detection is very small) and you have no laser designated tracking, but the ability to hit a vehicle in weak spots helps a lot. It also allows you to cause mobility impairment if you hit the enemy vehicle right, making subsequent shots easier and reduces the enemy vehicles ability to fight back.
@Razor10000 There are a lot of unfortunate issues with BF4 right now. Game crashes and sound bugs are the most noticeable, but there are a myriad of other issues.
@Chris_Watters @zaboon_ Here is an example of something that could be cool with Lachang Dam.
On rush, have the attackers actually have to push into the dam. The defenders could have more vehicles and emplacements on top of the dam, giving them an advantage during outside fighting. However, the attackers can attack the dam and attempt to cause it to break. When broken, some of the top emplacements of the defenders could be destroyed. Also, the dam rubble could block vehicle movement and create intense close quarters infantry fighting through the rubble, levelling the playing field by forcing the defenders to have to rely on vehicles less. Add in a lot of smoke from the dam collapse and the attackers could use it to slip past the defender lines and establish themselves closer to the objectives.
On another note, how have you all found rush so far? It was my favorite mode in BF:BC2 and BF3, but something feels off on it in BF4. Granted, I only tried it twice and for short periods, but the effective areas almost feel too small.
@JediMasterJ42 @gpm23 I can see where your all coming from, but my experiences with choppers in BF4 are slightly different from what you have all described. Defensively, I find it is both easier and harder to survive in a chopper now. It is more difficult to avoid missles due to your reduced regeneration of flares. However, you don't become disabled at 50% like in BF3 anymore, meaning you can take considerably more damage and still escape to repair.
Offensively, I don't find the rockets are any weaker than before (though takes survive it better due to the disable changes noted above). However, unlike in BF3, you have two reload timers on rockets, heat seekers, and other weapons now. You have your old reload timer which filled your usuable weapon stock to full, but there is a second timer that replenishes your stored ammunition.
For example, in a chopper, you have 12 rockets ready and 12 (or 24?) in backup. Say you attack a tank and use all 12; you will then have a timer to reload the back-up twelve. Once done, you no longer have the maximum backup available. A timer starts to replenish your backup stock (the white bar that fills below your ammo count). This timer takes quite a while fill. You now have to gauge your ammo reserves and choose to disengage (or avoid engagements) when you are lacking in ammo, adding a layer of tactical decisions to vehicles.
This also applies to other vehicles, there have been times I have engaged while driving a tank and then have to retreat because I engaged with low ammo reserves. I needed to fall back until my reserves replenished.
In regards to chopper respawn times, what system are you playing on? On PC I think it is server dependent, I have had choppers respawn before I personally can respawn.
World of Warcraft: It just felt like they released one not that long ago o.0
Mass Effect: I am interested in the next game in the series, but I haven't finished ME2 or 3 yet, so I have a bit of a ways to go before then. That and I can't purchase new games as frequently now with my tighter budget, so when it eventually gets released it may get put on my wish list and stay there for a while.
PS4 and XBOne: Not sure it is overly important to me, but regardless, having less features is always unfortunate. Though this does give MS a tool to fight with, they've been needing one as of late :P.
BF4: I have it on PC, and I'm not in the habit of buying a game for multiple systems, so even if I were to buy a XBOne I wouldn't get it for the console. I'm not sure how much use the kinect features will get, but I suppose some people will enjoy it. Hopefully the game is more stable for console users than it is for PC right now :P.
IW: Not sure I really see the difference in resolution as a big deal, but to each their own, I will not be picking up the game myself, so I suppose that may be a partial explanation for my indifference :/.
Good job you two, looking forward to the news next week.
PS. Anyone else find the background tunes really catchy? A good part of the reason I watch these episodes :P.
Berkut4796's comments