@Fartman7998: Lol ponies are so funny and pathetic. Once its Sony doing something and not Microsoft, then they try to apply a common sense explanation xD
@i_am_battlecry: Did u even understand what he was trying to point out? Halo 5 has recorded more player activity than double splatoon and rocket league combined. Rigged? I don't know and don't care, Halo 5 is still 2015's best shooter to myself, the person that replied u and i bet a sea of others.
@i_am_battlecry: Oh shut up will you, PS fanboys are equally as bad hyping bloodborne the watered down dead souls copy.
Both are really good games regardless. What's wrong with Microsoft touting both to be part of their best lineup? Have you actually played Rocket league and Splatoon??
Bezee4u's comments