@VeeArSick @Bezee4u You would have, People that have problems understanding too many essential things tend to ask questions sooner or later..I saved you the trouble, be proud and say thanks. ^^
@Sublime408 @Bezee4u @LiquidGold Nah i'm pretty sure i was talking about you son :) School is important..else you'd have such stupid people on here like yourself
@Sublime408 @Bezee4u @LiquidGold Lol thanks for looking out for my best interests, but i don't need that so just go to school :) I most certainly will be having fun with my Xbox one when its delivered.
@Sublime408 @Bezee4u If i'm a jackass then you should be hanged already lol.. No one is fooling any1 and there are no "Facts" as of yet..That's a fact :P
@Sublime408 @LiquidGold He's a smart man, at least he gets MS to pay him for the support :D What about you retards that skip school to troll on here lol
@Sublime408 @Bezee4u Wohoo have i been schooled today! Oh wait no..You're the one who needs schooling :P There is no fact here...Launch sales do not determine the result of next gen else the ps3 shouldn't have sold at all..When the exclusive starts rolling in over the years then you can tell...Where am i wrong? See i can talk without cursing, moral or not -_-
Bezee4u's comments