@Antic_Dreamer If i'm not mistaken i only posted this once before. If you're going to get a Ps4 then that's fine, its your cash and your choice. Unfortunately you share the same naive thoughts as most, i don't need to RELY on any company to make a choice of what i want to buy, why the heck should you? I didn't agree with their DRM policies too and was disappointed because i really wanted the Xb1....Once these policies began changing i quickly made my pre-order for the Xb1 because it was MY choice, i don't see any reason to get hurt over M$'s decisions when they're not my family lol. Your money is your power, you buy what you want to and its what Sony and MS wants as well....None of the 2 are knights...Just get what you want..only a few like me would be getting the both of them sadly.
It wasn't any Ps4...It was just Sony capitalizing on the consumer rage towards the Xbox One policies...If for sum reason the community praised those Xb1 policies..Sony would have done a .180 too. Its all about taking YOUR money, Sony are no knights in shinning armor...Why should i curse at Microsoft for 'breaking my trust' or 'not treating consumers right' when their policies have been reversed and now makes the console appealing again? Really i just can't understand....After the initial backlash from the MS reveal i waited a bit in the hopes that the shit policies would be changed and they were and i couldn't be anymore happy that i did and now i just can't wait for my Xb1 :-)
@xguild @resident_joe @porsche_game @rene9ade520 It wasn't any Ps4...It was just Sony capitalizing on the consumer rage towards the Xbox One policies...If for sum reason the community praised those Xb1 policies..Sony would have done a .180 too. Its all about taking YOUR money, Sony are no knights in shinning armor...Why should i curse at Microsoft for 'breaking my trust' or 'not treating consumers right' when their policies have been reversed and now makes the console appealing again? Really i just can't understand....After the initial backlash from the MS reveal i waited a bit in the hopes that the shit policies would be changed and they were and i couldn't be anymore happy that i did and now i just can't wait for my Xb1 :-)
@Daian With this in mind you can finally be able to sleep at night! So happy for ya...Hopefully sony sends you at least $1 for all your efforts trolling the forums for nights in a row just to up their console :D... Reckon they know u exist? :o
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