@jts1891 @Bezee4u I hate smartglass, Kinect, the online check-ins crap..But i'm still getting the Xbox One, why? For the games! I watch the games being showcased at E3 without childish Bias...I also enjoyed Sony's press conference and i won't miss the Ps4 for its great exclusives as well.
Look at everyone schmoozing up to Sony, just remember that NOT everything that glitters is gold, go ahead and purchase the PS4 thinking you're rubbing shit in Microsoft's face when you really are not, The Ps3 didn't have the best start either but Sony later got it right, think the same won't apply to Xbox One?? I'm definitely getting BOTH consoles.
@XxTheEvilxX @Bezee4u @ferrarimanf355 @Aria1368 No comebacks when the nail was hit directly on the head huh... Its you whose made me bored i assure you :/
@XxTheEvilxX @ferrarimanf355 @Aria1368 What truth?? Are you really as childish as you sound??? Diss MS all you want on Gamespot, but Harai that you worship will most likely never know you exist and you won't get paid 1 cent for your rants lol, Crazy amount of people will buy the Xbox One at launch despite your "Truth"..My advice to you, grow up and get a REAL job that actually pays.
@lilnazar Another ignorant spoon-fed moron that assumes kids/teens in Africa are poor, Don't be surprised to go there and meet people that would purchase your entire family :P
@Axile11 @Bezee4u Yes i have favorite brands of stuff i prefer to use when i can, doesn't mean i go around disputing others like i was paid to do it, The fact that sum kids on here that prefer the Sony consoles and don't shut their mouths up about it makes them 'Fan Boys'.
Bezee4u's comments