Interesting Presentation, The Box itself looks disappointingly big but i'm more than excited about the exclusives that will be available for it at launch and its capabilities...I am definitely getting this at launch :)
@Captain_Am3rica @Bezee4u @canuckbiker I think its wasted on me, you should use it more on yourself supporting only one console, I have a 360 and Ps3 and enjoy the best both has to offer :)
@canuckbiker @Bezee4u I never expected any reply and was surprised you put up this 1, it was true not to underestimate retards such as yourself, they might just surprise you by displaying their gullibility over such little jokes that have had no impact in their real lives, that's assuming they have one...really impressive display my friend, pls go take your brain drug and then come back and amuse me sum more.
@cogadh Lol "Sony has successfully distracted the public from MS pending reveal", Will that reduce the amount of people that will be tuned into MS's event tomorrow?? Or will you still be fapping to Sony's obscure trailer while everyone one else is watch the nextbox unveil? xD
@omenjamlord @Bezee4u I love tea and i play both the 360 and Ps3 and yes that's my opinion, but its presented no differently than those of Sony Fangirls in any MS related why not troll a little and watch them all explode! xD
@MjnE @Bezee4u MjnE my dear don't you get it, i don't decide what to buy based on your biased opinions...One man's meat is another's trash...I have enjoyed my 360 in its entirety, including every service MS has introduced that i find useful and ignored those i don't...Still no reason for me to thrash them :)
Bezee4u's comments