@MjnE @Bezee4u That's just your opinion no? You guys seem to think that comments on Gamespot will influence the whole gaming market into dismissing the next xbox... That itself is hilarious :P
@Lordmaccrage 'Long time xbox fan' has already been overused by 'undercover' sony fangirls...rumors are just what they are...'rumors' so get over it and wait for tomorrow :)
The Hub of Sony Fanboys, all drinking tea and admiring Harai's behind, But where will they be tomorrow???..... Yeah watching the unveiling of real console designed for real gaming xD
Listen Up! We will now attend to all the sony fangirls that have been waiting patiently for MS to give a 4**k....Please place your heads in the guillotines in an orderly fashion...
Lots of hate for the upcoming x720, well i had both the 360 and ps3 even though i used the 360 more but there's nothing stopping me from getting both upcoming consoles and enjoy the best they both have to offer, while noobs think that screaming their heads off on forums will prevent sales...Join the line with the others waiting for Microsoft to give a 4uck.. :P
Bezee4u's comments