@skullomania2 @Bhemont Yet games like Dead Space 3 are sorely gimped in terms of graphics and visuals because of its counterpart, the consoles. Makes you think. :)
@Dredcrumb9 Undead Samurais, but they are more or less essential to the plot so it is kind of a spoiler, and they won't show up until later in the game.
Not sure if this is a good thing or bad thing, probably means for me to look somewhere else for horror title or they will make the next game more decent, maybe on next gen it would look too good to pass up. :/
@santinegrete Until you reach the 10th chapter or so and get the ûltra ûblar pwnsauce bbq gun the Necromorph eliminator 2000 lulz. I just can't wait to see what they give us next, Dead Space MMO, Dead Space with jump button, Dead Space: Black Duty of Honor 4 with more ammo then before and 10x deadlier weapon, Dead Space date simulator (now you can build houses and dress Isaac in whatever you want with microtransactions). So many possibilities.
@Lord_Python1049 @Bhemont Yeah I would recommend it. The most difficult part were the QTEs in the beginning IMO. There were like two or three battles that I had to load the game more then 2 time, other then that it was a cakewalk. (And I usually play on normal as a casual)
Personally I loved this game, and I'm not a big fan of QTE's even if it had its share of them. Going to do my 2nd playthrough tonight. My main gripe was that the game is a bit too easy on hard minus some of the quick time events and mini games which should have been more balanced.
Bhemont's comments